[HTML][HTML] Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in marine mammal research: A review of current applications and challenges
Research on the ecology and biology of marine mammal populations is necessary to
understand ecosystem dynamics and to support conservation management. Emerging …
understand ecosystem dynamics and to support conservation management. Emerging …
The Falkland Islands marine ecosystem: a review of the seasonal dynamics and trophic interactions across the food web
Abstract The Falkland Islands marine environment host a mix of temperate and subantarctic
species. This review synthesizes baseline information regarding ontogenetic migration …
species. This review synthesizes baseline information regarding ontogenetic migration …
Coastal connectivity of marine predators over the Patagonian Shelf during the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak
Animal movement and population connectivity are key areas of uncertainty in efforts to
understand and predict the spread of infectious disease. The emergence of highly …
understand and predict the spread of infectious disease. The emergence of highly …
Pelagic and benthic ecosystems drive differences in population and individual specializations in marine predators
Individual specialization, which describes whether populations are comprised of dietary
generalists or specialists, has profound ecological and evolutionary implications. However …
generalists or specialists, has profound ecological and evolutionary implications. However …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial overlap between South American fur seal foraging effort and commercial trawl fisheries in the Falkland Islands
Interactions between seals and commercial fisheries can pose a significant threat to the
conservation status of seal populations. In the Falkland Islands, home to over 50% of the …
conservation status of seal populations. In the Falkland Islands, home to over 50% of the …
A reconstruction of the marine mammal harvest by the Real Compañía Marítima through the analysis of historical sources (AD 1790–1804)
DG Vales - The Holocene, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Humans have altered marine ecosystems over very long-time scales and historical data is
often needed to understand the true magnitude of human impacts. The Southwest Atlantic …
often needed to understand the true magnitude of human impacts. The Southwest Atlantic …
Important at-sea areas of colonial breeding marine predators on the southern Patagonian shelf
Abstract The Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem supports high levels of biodiversity
and endemism and is one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the world. Despite …
and endemism and is one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the world. Despite …
The northernmost haulout site of South American sea lions and fur seals in the western South Atlantic
We present estimates of the seasonal and spatial occupation by pinnipeds of the Wildlife
Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos (WRIL), based on aerial photographic censuses. Twenty aerial …
Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos (WRIL), based on aerial photographic censuses. Twenty aerial …
Overlap between marine predators and proposed Marine Managed Areas on the Patagonian Shelf
Static (fixed‐boundary) protected areas are key ocean conservation strategies, and marine
higher predator distribution data can play a leading role toward identifying areas for …
higher predator distribution data can play a leading role toward identifying areas for …
Recovery of South American fur seals from Fuegian Archipelago (Argentina)
The aim of the present study is to estimate the abundance and trend of SAFS in the Fuegian
archipelago and analyze anddescribe changes in the social composition and spatial …
archipelago and analyze anddescribe changes in the social composition and spatial …