[HTML][HTML] A review of reservoir damage during hydraulic fracturing of deep and ultra-deep reservoirs
K Zhang, XF Liu, DB Wang, B Zheng, TH Chen… - Petroleum Science, 2024 - Elsevier
Deep and ultra-deep reservoirs have gradually become the primary focus of hydrocarbon
exploration as a result of a series of significant discoveries in deep hydrocarbon exploration …
exploration as a result of a series of significant discoveries in deep hydrocarbon exploration …
Review on formation damage mechanisms and processes in shale gas reservoir: Known and to be known
Producing natural gas from shale gas reservoir presents a great challenge to petroleum
industry due to its low permeability nature. The process of gas release and production from …
industry due to its low permeability nature. The process of gas release and production from …
Hydraulic history and current state of the deep geothermal reservoir Groß Schönebeck
This study addresses the thermal–hydraulic–mechanical and chemical (THMC) behaviour of
a research well doublet consisting of the injection well E GrSk 3/90 and the production well …
a research well doublet consisting of the injection well E GrSk 3/90 and the production well …
Permeability enhancement and fracture development of hydraulic in situ experiments in the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
A new advanced protocol of progressively increased cyclic injection and pulsed injection
design for hydraulic fracturing experiments was implemented at 410 m depth in the Äspö …
design for hydraulic fracturing experiments was implemented at 410 m depth in the Äspö …
[HTML][HTML] Minimizing formation damage in drilling operations: A critical point for optimizing productivity in sandstone reservoirs intercalated with clay
The recovery of oil and gas from underground reservoirs has a pervasive impact on
petroleum-producing companies' financial strength. A significant cause of the low recovery is …
petroleum-producing companies' financial strength. A significant cause of the low recovery is …
[HTML][HTML] Insights on potential formation damage mechanisms associated with the use of gel breakers in hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing using water-soluble polymers has been extensively used to enhance
the productivity of oil and gas wells. However, the production enhancement can be …
the productivity of oil and gas wells. However, the production enhancement can be …
Direct and indirect laboratory measurements of poroelastic properties of two consolidated sandstones
Experimental measurements to derive the drained bulk C and the solid bulk C su
compressibility, the poroelastic Biot coefficient α, Skempton coefficient B as well as porosity …
compressibility, the poroelastic Biot coefficient α, Skempton coefficient B as well as porosity …
Transmissivity of aligned and displaced tensile fractures in granitic rocks during cyclic loading
The pressure dependent fracture permeability of four granitic rock samples was determined
in a triaxial test cell under hydrostatic loading conditions at a temperature of 30° C. Tensile …
in a triaxial test cell under hydrostatic loading conditions at a temperature of 30° C. Tensile …
Analytical solutions for multi-stage fractured shale gas reservoirs with damaged fractures and stimulated reservoir volumes
After performing hydraulic fracturing in shale reservoirs, the hydraulic fractures and their
adjacent rocks can be damaged. Typically, the following fracture damage scenarios may …
adjacent rocks can be damaged. Typically, the following fracture damage scenarios may …
Analyses of processes, mechanisms, and preventive measures of shale-gas reservoir fluid, completion, and formation damage
F Civan - SPE International Conference and Exhibition on …, 2014 - onepetro.org
A comprehensive review and modeling of the natural and induced formation damage
processes and their governing mechanisms involving the various aspects of gas-bearing …
processes and their governing mechanisms involving the various aspects of gas-bearing …