[HTML][HTML] A review of reservoir damage during hydraulic fracturing of deep and ultra-deep reservoirs

K Zhang, XF Liu, DB Wang, B Zheng, TH Chen… - Petroleum Science, 2024 - Elsevier
Deep and ultra-deep reservoirs have gradually become the primary focus of hydrocarbon
exploration as a result of a series of significant discoveries in deep hydrocarbon exploration …

Review on formation damage mechanisms and processes in shale gas reservoir: Known and to be known

C Xu, Y Kang, Z You, M Chen - Journal of Natural Gas Science and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Producing natural gas from shale gas reservoir presents a great challenge to petroleum
industry due to its low permeability nature. The process of gas release and production from …

Hydraulic history and current state of the deep geothermal reservoir Groß Schönebeck

G Blöcher, T Reinsch, J Henninges, H Milsch… - Geothermics, 2016 - Elsevier
This study addresses the thermal–hydraulic–mechanical and chemical (THMC) behaviour of
a research well doublet consisting of the injection well E GrSk 3/90 and the production well …

Permeability enhancement and fracture development of hydraulic in situ experiments in the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden

G Zimmermann, A Zang, O Stephansson… - Rock Mechanics and …, 2019 - Springer
A new advanced protocol of progressively increased cyclic injection and pulsed injection
design for hydraulic fracturing experiments was implemented at 410 m depth in the Äspö …

[HTML][HTML] Minimizing formation damage in drilling operations: A critical point for optimizing productivity in sandstone reservoirs intercalated with clay

MC Halim, H Hamidi, AR Akisanya - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
The recovery of oil and gas from underground reservoirs has a pervasive impact on
petroleum-producing companies' financial strength. A significant cause of the low recovery is …

[HTML][HTML] Insights on potential formation damage mechanisms associated with the use of gel breakers in hydraulic fracturing

T Almubarak, JHC Ng, M AlKhaldi, S Panda… - Polymers, 2020 - mdpi.com
Hydraulic fracturing using water-soluble polymers has been extensively used to enhance
the productivity of oil and gas wells. However, the production enhancement can be …

Direct and indirect laboratory measurements of poroelastic properties of two consolidated sandstones

G Blöcher, T Reinsch, A Hassanzadegan… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
Experimental measurements to derive the drained bulk C and the solid bulk C su
compressibility, the poroelastic Biot coefficient α, Skempton coefficient B as well as porosity …

Transmissivity of aligned and displaced tensile fractures in granitic rocks during cyclic loading

H Hofmann, G Blöcher, H Milsch, T Babadagli… - International Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
The pressure dependent fracture permeability of four granitic rock samples was determined
in a triaxial test cell under hydrostatic loading conditions at a temperature of 30° C. Tensile …

Analytical solutions for multi-stage fractured shale gas reservoirs with damaged fractures and stimulated reservoir volumes

J Zeng, W Li, J Liu, YK Leong, D Elsworth, J Tian… - Journal of petroleum …, 2020 - Elsevier
After performing hydraulic fracturing in shale reservoirs, the hydraulic fractures and their
adjacent rocks can be damaged. Typically, the following fracture damage scenarios may …

Analyses of processes, mechanisms, and preventive measures of shale-gas reservoir fluid, completion, and formation damage

F Civan - SPE International Conference and Exhibition on …, 2014 - onepetro.org
A comprehensive review and modeling of the natural and induced formation damage
processes and their governing mechanisms involving the various aspects of gas-bearing …