Two decades of touchable and walkable virtual reality for blind and visually impaired people: A high-level taxonomy
Although most readers associate the term virtual reality (VR) with visually appealing
entertainment content, this technology also promises to be helpful to disadvantaged people …
entertainment content, this technology also promises to be helpful to disadvantaged people …
Accessible presentation of information for people with visual disabilities
C Power, H Jürgensen - Universal Access in the Information Society, 2010 - Springer
Personal computers, palm top computers, media players and cell phones provide instant
access to information from around the world. There are a wide variety of options available to …
access to information from around the world. There are a wide variety of options available to …
A blind person's interactions with technology
A blind person's interactions with technology Page 1 58 communIcATIons of The Acm |
auGuST 2009 | voL. 52 | no. 8 contributed articles cURRent pRActice in computer interface …
auGuST 2009 | voL. 52 | no. 8 contributed articles cURRent pRActice in computer interface …
A survey on mathematical software tools for visually impaired persons: A practical perspective
There is no evidence that mathematical semantics cannot be understood due to blindness,
the problem is the current access barrier to mathematical resources. In light of this problem …
the problem is the current access barrier to mathematical resources. In light of this problem …
Computer graphics access for blind people through a haptic and audio virtual environment
R Iglesias, S Casado, T Gutiérrez… - The 3rd IEEE …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This work describes a new haptic & audio virtual environment to allow visually impaired
people to have access to the three-dimensional graphic computer world through the sense …
people to have access to the three-dimensional graphic computer world through the sense …
Observing Sara: a case study of a blind person's interactions with technology
While software is increasingly being improved to enhance access and use, software
interfaces nonetheless often create barriers for people who are blind. In response, the blind …
interfaces nonetheless often create barriers for people who are blind. In response, the blind …
Sonification and interaction design in computer games for visually impaired individuals
Video games are changing how we interact and communicate with each other. They can
provide an authentic and collaborative platform for building new communities and …
provide an authentic and collaborative platform for building new communities and …
[PDF][PDF] Cybergrasp and phantom integration: Enhanced haptic access for visually impaired users
This paper presents a haptic virtual reality tool developed to enhance the accessibility for the
visually impaired. The proposed approach focuses on the development of a highly …
visually impaired. The proposed approach focuses on the development of a highly …
[PDF][PDF] Blindness, technology and haptics
V Lévesque - Center for Intelligent Machines, 2005 - cgvr.cs.uni-bremen.de
„Blindness, Technology and Haptics“ Page 1 „Blindness, Technology and Haptics“ Autor: Vincent
Lévesque Präsentiert von Daniela Zimmermann 06. Oktober 2014 Kickoff-Meeting Kinaptic Page …
Lévesque Präsentiert von Daniela Zimmermann 06. Oktober 2014 Kickoff-Meeting Kinaptic Page …
Bringing haptics to second life for visually impaired people
M De Pascale, S Mulatto, D Prattichizzo - … 2008 Madrid, Spain, June 10-13 …, 2008 - Springer
Potential applications of online virtual worlds are attracting the interest of many researchers
around the world. One and perhaps the most famous example of such systems is Linden …
around the world. One and perhaps the most famous example of such systems is Linden …