Optimal scheduling of active distribution network considering symmetric heat and power source-load spatial-temporal characteristics

J Hao, X Feng, X Chen, X **, X Wang, T Hao, F Hong… - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
Distributed power sources and diversified loads flexibly and controllably interact in the active
distribution network with symmetrical characteristics, and their spatial-temporal …

Optimal power flow for bipolar DC microgrids

JO Lee, YS Kim, JH Jeon - International Journal of Electrical Power & …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper proposes an optimal power flow (OPF) formulation for bipolar DC microgrids. The
bipolar DC microgrid can integrate distributed generations (DGs) and supply power to end …

Optimal scheduling of photovoltaic generators in asymmetric bipolar DC grids using a robust recursive quadratic convex approximation

OD Montoya, W Gil-González, JC Hernández - Machines, 2023 - mdpi.com
This paper presents a robust quadratic convex model for the optimal scheduling of
photovoltaic generators in unbalanced bipolar DC grids. The proposed model is based on …

Research on Load State Sensing and Early Warning Method of Distribution Network under High Penetration Distributed Generation Access

C Gu, Y Wang, W Wang, Y Gao - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
Aiming at the problems of power flow fluctuation and voltage exceeding standard caused by
high permeability distributed power supply access, this paper proposes a load state …

From Offline to Online: A Comprehensive Survey on the Sequential Optimization Frameworks under Uncertainty in Power Systems

A Alahyari, S Asefi, MJ Piran - Available at SSRN 5129067, 2025 - papers.ssrn.com
The rapid evolution of technology and the proliferation of high-speed communication
networks have fundamentally transformed decision-making processes in power systems …

[HTML][HTML] Адаптивное краткосрочное прогнозирование потребления электроэнергии автономными энергосистемами малых северных поселений на основе …

ЮН Исаев, ОВ Архипова, ВЗ Ковалев… - Известия Томского …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Одной из основных проблем построения энергоэффективных и нересурсоемких
систем децентрализованного электроснабжения Арктической зоны и районов …

A Single-Phase MMC-based Solid-State Transformer Suitable for EV Charging

X Lan, P Lehn - 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduces a single-phase ac-dc solid-state transformer, based on the modular
multilevel converter topology, termed the 2-String 2-Inductor MMC. Designed to link a …

A Modular Multilevel Converter Based Solid-State Transformer with Reduced Component Count

XL Lan - 2024 - search.proquest.com
This thesis introduces a modular multilevel converter (MMC) based ac-dc solid-state
transformer (SST), termed the 2-String 2-Inductor (2S2I) MMC, designed to connect a …

Modeling and Analysis of AC Distribution Grids with Wind and Solar Storage

C Long, S Ye, X Yang, Y Han, Y Wang… - 2023 IEEE 4th China …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To analyze the power quality issues induced by the distributed wind-solar-storage in the
distribution power network, this paper constructs an AC distribution network model including …

Comparación de flujos de potencia óptimos para redes AC/DC con penetración de recursos energéticos distribuidos considerando incertidumbre

S Suárez Córdoba - 2023 - repositorio.utp.edu.co
Resumen en español En este proyecto de grado, se proponen cuatro novedosas
metodologías que resuelven el problema del flujo de potencia óptimo unificado en una red …