Acute environmental temperature variation affects brain protein expression, anxiety and explorative behaviour in adult zebrafish
S Nonnis, E Angiulli, E Maffioli, F Frabetti, A Negri… - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
This study investigated the effect of 4-d acute thermal treatments at 18° C, 26° C (control)
and 34° C on the nervous system of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) using a multidisciplinary …
and 34° C on the nervous system of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) using a multidisciplinary …
Remote physiological monitoring provides unique insights on the cardiovascular performance and stress responses of freely swimming rainbow trout in aquaculture
Investigating the mechanisms that fish employ to maintain homeostasis in their everyday life
requires measurements of physiological and behavioural responses in the field. With …
requires measurements of physiological and behavioural responses in the field. With …
Consistent seasonal flexibility of the gut and its regions across wild populations of a winter-quiescent fish
Seasonality in north-temperate environments imposes drastic temperature and resource
variations that shape the seasonal ecophysiology of resident organisms. A better …
variations that shape the seasonal ecophysiology of resident organisms. A better …
Experimental hyperoxia (O2 supersaturation) reveals a gill diffusion limitation of maximum aerobic performance in fish
Several studies have demonstrated that hyperoxia increases the maximal O2 consumption
rate (ṀO2max) in fish, but exactly how this occurs remains to be explained. Here, we tested …
rate (ṀO2max) in fish, but exactly how this occurs remains to be explained. Here, we tested …
Seasonal habitat drives intestinal microbiome composition in anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
Intestinal microbial communities from 362 anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from
the high Arctic Kitikmeot region, Nunavut, Canada, were characterized using high …
the high Arctic Kitikmeot region, Nunavut, Canada, were characterized using high …
Insights into thermal sensitivity: Effects of elevated temperature on growth, metabolic rate, and stress responses in Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus)
Abstract The Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) is a cold‐water fish with potential for
aquaculture diversification. To unveil the mechanisms underlying the compromised growth …
aquaculture diversification. To unveil the mechanisms underlying the compromised growth …
Effect of food amount and temperature on growth rate and aerobic scope of juvenile chum salmon
Offshore migration of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. is partly triggered by increasing
body size and high motility in the early stages of life. The survival of juvenile salmon may …
body size and high motility in the early stages of life. The survival of juvenile salmon may …
Thermal acclimation of rainbow trout myotomal muscle, can trout acclimate to a warming environment?
DJ Coughlin, LT Wilson, ES Kwon, LS Travitz - … and Physiology Part A …, 2020 - Elsevier
Climate change is a looming threat to the planet. Cold-water aquatic species will face
significant physiological challenges due to elevated summer temperatures. Salmonids, such …
significant physiological challenges due to elevated summer temperatures. Salmonids, such …
The internal CO2 threat to fish: high PCO2 in the digestive tract
Our goal was to use novel fibreoptic sensors to make the first direct P CO2 measurements in
the digestive tracts of live freshwater fish (anaesthetized, artificially ventilated, 12° C). P CO2 …
the digestive tracts of live freshwater fish (anaesthetized, artificially ventilated, 12° C). P CO2 …
Integrity and wound healing of rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell sheets at hypo-, normo-, and hyper-thermic temperatures
How temperature influences fish physiological systems, such as the intestinal barrier, is
important for understanding and alleviating the impact of global warming on fish and …
important for understanding and alleviating the impact of global warming on fish and …