Autonomous intersection management: optimal trajectories and efficient scheduling
Intersections are at the core of congestion in urban areas. After the end of the Second World
War, the problem of intersection management has benefited from a growing body of …
War, the problem of intersection management has benefited from a growing body of …
Traffic congestion reduction based on vehicle platoons and intelligent crossroads interactions
W Du - 2021 -
Intersections are at the core of urban congestion. For more than a decade, new approaches
based on autonomous and connected driving have been proposed. They aim to improve the …
based on autonomous and connected driving have been proposed. They aim to improve the …
[PDF][PDF] Intelligent Brake Controller Based on Intelligent Highway Signs to Avoid Accidents on Algerian Roads
AM Nada, B Rachid - … Journal of Advanced Computer Science and …, 2023 -
Despite the considerable efforts of the Algerian authorities to reduce the high number of
accidents, therefore, fatalities on the country's roads, the problem persists. To address this …
accidents, therefore, fatalities on the country's roads, the problem persists. To address this …
Comparison of reaction time-based collaborative velocity control and intelligent driver model for agent-based simulation of autonomous car
Based on historical records, driving in hazardous weather conditions is one of the most
serious causes that lead to fatal accidents on roads in general and in United Arab Emirates …
serious causes that lead to fatal accidents on roads in general and in United Arab Emirates …