[HTML][HTML] The living heart project: a robust and integrative simulator for human heart function
The heart is not only our most vital, but also our most complex organ: Precisely controlled by
the interplay of electrical and mechanical fields, it consists of four chambers and four valves …
the interplay of electrical and mechanical fields, it consists of four chambers and four valves …
Advances in computational modelling for personalised medicine after myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction (MI) is a leading cause of premature morbidity and mortality worldwide.
Determining which patients will experience heart failure and sudden cardiac death after an …
Determining which patients will experience heart failure and sudden cardiac death after an …
Distribution of normal human left ventricular myofiber stress at end diastole and end systole: a target for in silico design of heart failure treatments
Ventricular wall stress is believed to be responsible for many physical mechanisms taking
place in the human heart, including ventricular remodeling, which is frequently associated …
place in the human heart, including ventricular remodeling, which is frequently associated …
Personalised computational cardiology: patient-specific modelling in cardiac mechanics and biomaterial injection therapies for myocardial infarction
Predictive computational modelling in biomedical research offers the potential to integrate
diverse data, uncover biological mechanisms that are not easily accessible through …
diverse data, uncover biological mechanisms that are not easily accessible through …
Construction and validation of subject-specific biventricular finite-element models of healthy and failing swine hearts from high-resolution DT-MRI
Predictive computational modeling has revolutionized classical engineering disciplines and
is in the process of transforming cardiovascular research. This is particularly relevant for …
is in the process of transforming cardiovascular research. This is particularly relevant for …
Percutaneous ventricular restoration using the parachute device in patients with ischemic heart failure: three-year outcomes of the PARACHUTE first-in-human study
MA Costa, EL Mazzaferri Jr, H Sievert… - Circulation: Heart …, 2014 - ahajournals.org
Background—Left ventricle remodeling after anterior wall myocardial infarction leads to
increased left ventricle volumes, myocardial stress, and ultimately heart failure (HF) …
increased left ventricle volumes, myocardial stress, and ultimately heart failure (HF) …
An integrated electromechanical-growth heart model for simulating cardiac therapies
An emerging class of models has been developed in recent years to predict cardiac growth
and remodeling (G&R). We recently developed a cardiac G&R constitutive model that …
and remodeling (G&R). We recently developed a cardiac G&R constitutive model that …
In vivo estimation of passive biomechanical properties of human myocardium
Identification of in vivo passive biomechanical properties of healthy human myocardium from
regular clinical data is essential for subject-specific modelling of left ventricle (LV). In this …
regular clinical data is essential for subject-specific modelling of left ventricle (LV). In this …
Organ‐level validation of a cross‐bridge cycling descriptor in a left ventricular finite element model: effects of ventricular loading on myocardial strains
Although detailed cell‐based descriptors of cross‐bridge cycling have been applied in finite
element (FE) heart models to describe ventricular mechanics, these multiscale models have …
element (FE) heart models to describe ventricular mechanics, these multiscale models have …
An inverse finite element method for determining the tissue compressibility of human left ventricular wall during the cardiac cycle
The determination of the myocardium's tissue properties is important in constructing
functional finite element (FE) models of the human heart. To obtain accurate properties …
functional finite element (FE) models of the human heart. To obtain accurate properties …