Electrical activity and synchronization of memristor synapse-coupled HR network based on energy method
Y Lu, H Li, C Li - Neurocomputing, 2023 - Elsevier
Electrical synapses and external stimuli can affect the exchange and propagation of field
energy between neurons, and thus induce a variety of dynamics and electricity activities of …
energy between neurons, and thus induce a variety of dynamics and electricity activities of …
The hidden, period-adding, mixed-mode oscillations and control in a HR neuron under electromagnetic induction
X An, S Qiao - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021 - Elsevier
Researching the discharge patterns of neurons under electromagnetic induction is of great
practical significance for understanding the complex nervous system. In this paper, the …
practical significance for understanding the complex nervous system. In this paper, the …
A simple Jerk-like system without equilibrium: Asymmetric coexisting hidden attractors, bursting oscillation and double full Feigenbaum remerging trees
S Zhang, Y Zeng - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019 - Elsevier
The topic associated with hidden attractor and multistability has been received considerable
attention recently. In this paper, a novel no-equilibrium Jerk-like chaotic system is …
attention recently. In this paper, a novel no-equilibrium Jerk-like chaotic system is …
Electrical activity and synchronization of HR-tabu neuron network coupled by Chua corsage memristor
The processing and transmission of biological neural information are jointly completed by
the electromagnetic activities of neurons in different brain regions. And memristor is the …
the electromagnetic activities of neurons in different brain regions. And memristor is the …
Extreme events in the forced Liénard system
We observe extremely large amplitude intermittent spikings in a dynamical variable of a
periodically forced Liénard-type oscillator and characterize them as extreme events, which …
periodically forced Liénard-type oscillator and characterize them as extreme events, which …
A memristor–meminductor-based chaotic system with abundant dynamical behaviors
In this paper, we introduce a memristor model and a meminductor model and design the
corresponding emulator circuits for imitating their characteristics. By employing the two …
corresponding emulator circuits for imitating their characteristics. By employing the two …
Compound bursting behaviors in a forced Mathieu-van der Pol-Duffing system
X Ma, D **a, W Jiang, M Liu, Q Bi - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021 - Elsevier
The mechanism of compound bursting behaviors of a forced Mathieu-van der Pol-Duffing
system is explored. Four compound bursting types and one typical relaxation oscillation, ie …
system is explored. Four compound bursting types and one typical relaxation oscillation, ie …
A novel hyperchaotic three-component oscillator operating at high frequency
This paper is investigating the hyperchaotic dynamics of a novel hyperchaotic oscillator
(made of only three electronics components namely a transformer, a capacitor and a …
(made of only three electronics components namely a transformer, a capacitor and a …
Bursting vibration-based energy harvesting
The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate that bursting oscillations can be exploited
to enhance the harvested electrical power. A vibration-based bistable Duffing energy …
to enhance the harvested electrical power. A vibration-based bistable Duffing energy …
Bifurcation analysis of mixed-mode oscillations and Farey trees in an extended Bonhoeffer–van der Pol oscillator
The two-variable Bonhoeffer–van der Pol oscillator, which is equivalent to the FitzHugh–
Nagumo model, can be represented by a natural circuit, ie, a circuit consisting only of simple …
Nagumo model, can be represented by a natural circuit, ie, a circuit consisting only of simple …