[HTML][HTML] Defining the boundary conditions for seismic response analysis—a practical review of some widely-used codes
The first step for learning any calculation code for seismic response analysis is an adequate
understanding of how to properly set the boundary conditions and the properties of the soil …
understanding of how to properly set the boundary conditions and the properties of the soil …
Reproducing ground response using in‐situ soil dynamic parameters
In this study, we extracted the in‐situ soil dynamic parameters that contains shear wave
velocity, shear modulus degradation curve and dam** ratio from seismic data recorded at …
velocity, shear modulus degradation curve and dam** ratio from seismic data recorded at …
PRENOLIN: International benchmark on 1D nonlinear site‐response analysis—Validation phase exercise
This article presents the main results of the validation phase of the PRENOLIN project.
PRENOLIN is an international benchmark on 1D nonlinear (NL) site‐response analysis. This …
PRENOLIN is an international benchmark on 1D nonlinear (NL) site‐response analysis. This …
Seismic amplification maps of Italy based on site-specific microzonation dataset and one-dimensional numerical approach
Prediction of surface ground motion based on advanced approaches is a non-trivial task at
large area. In fact, advanced approaches require a detailed geological and geotechnical …
large area. In fact, advanced approaches require a detailed geological and geotechnical …
1 g Shaking table test of segmental tunnel in sand under near-fault motions
A 1 g shaking table test is conducted to investigate seismic responses of a segmental tunnel
in sand under near-fault motions. The tunnel model is assembled with segments, bolts and …
in sand under near-fault motions. The tunnel model is assembled with segments, bolts and …
Generic‐to‐reference rock scaling factors for seismic ground motion in Italy
In this article, we apply the reference‐rock identification method (RRIM;) to the ITalian
ACcelerometric Archive, which includes more than 1600 recording stations in Italy and in the …
ACcelerometric Archive, which includes more than 1600 recording stations in Italy and in the …
Neural network prediction model for site response analysis based on the KiK-net database
Currently, the most widely used site response analysis methods include linear, equivalent
linear and nonlinear approaches. However, the results of these analyses gradually deviate …
linear and nonlinear approaches. However, the results of these analyses gradually deviate …
Dynamic soil-structure interaction: A three-dimensional numerical approach and its application to the Lotung case study
This paper presents a three-dimensional non-linear finite element (FE) approach to analyse
the dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) phenomena observed at the Lotung Large-Scale …
the dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) phenomena observed at the Lotung Large-Scale …
[HTML][HTML] Approximate decoupling of topographic, stratigraphic and valley effects on the peak seismic acceleration
The seismic amplification of any given area is a combined result of topographic, stratigraphic
and valley effects. Nevertheless, quantifying the contribution of each of these three effects in …
and valley effects. Nevertheless, quantifying the contribution of each of these three effects in …
Numerical simulations of liquefaction on an ordinary building during Italian (20 May 2012) earthquake
D Forcellini - Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019 - Springer
Soil liquefaction has been observed during the earthquake on May 20, 2012 M5. 9 that
shock Emilia Romagna (Italy). It is one example of moderate earthquakes yielding extensive …
shock Emilia Romagna (Italy). It is one example of moderate earthquakes yielding extensive …