Nonlinear integrated quantum photonics with AlGaAs

F Baboux, G Moody, S Ducci - Optica, 2023‏ -
Integrated photonics provides a powerful approach for develo** compact, stable, and
scalable architectures for the generation, manipulation, and detection of quantum states of …

Nonlinear photonics with high-Q whispering-gallery-mode resonators

G Lin, A Coillet, YK Chembo - Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2017‏ -
High-and ultrahigh-Q whispering-gallery mode resonators have the capability to trap
photons by total internal reflection for a duration ranging from nanoseconds to milliseconds …

Nonlinear and quantum optics with whispering gallery resonators

DV Strekalov, C Marquardt, AB Matsko… - Journal of …, 2016‏ -
Optical whispering gallery modes (WGMs) derive their name from a famous acoustic
phenomenon of guiding a wave by a curved boundary observed nearly a century ago. This …

Second-harmonic generation using-quasi-phasematching in a GaAs whispering-gallery-mode microcavity

PS Kuo, J Bravo-Abad, GS Solomon - Nature communications, 2014‏ -
The crystal symmetry in materials such as GaAs can enable quasi-phasematching for
efficient optical frequency conversion without poling, twinning or other engineered domain …

Three‐wave mixing in whispering gallery resonators

I Breunig - Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2016‏ - Wiley Online Library
We review the progress in the development of frequency converters based on three‐wave
mixing in whispering gallery resonators (WGRs). The theoretical description, given in a …

χ (2) and χ (3) harmonic generation at a critical power in inhomogeneous doubly resonant cavities

A Rodriguez, M Soljačić, JD Joannopoulos… - Optics express, 2007‏ -
We derive general conditions for 100% frequency conversion in any doubly resonant
nonlinear cavity, for both second-and third-harmonic generation via Χ?^(2) and Χ^(3) …

[HTML][HTML] Strong frequency conversion in heterogeneously integrated GaAs resonators

L Chang, A Boes, P Pintus, JD Peters, MJ Kennedy… - APL Photonics, 2019‏ -
In this contribution, we demonstrate the first integrated gallium arsenide (GaAs) ring
resonator for second harmonic generation (SHG) on a GaAs-on-insulator platform. Such …

Enhanced nonlinear optics in photonic-crystal microcavities

J Bravo-Abad, A Rodriguez, P Bermel, SG Johnson… - Optics express, 2007‏ -
Focus Serial: Frontiers of Nonlinear Optics Nonlinear photonic-crystal microresonators offer
unique fundamental ways of enhancing a variety of nonlinear optical processes. This …

Determination of coupling regime of high-Q resonators and optical gain of highly selective amplifiers

Y Dumeige, S Trebaol, L Ghişa… - Journal of the optical …, 2008‏ -
We present a simple method to determine simultaneously the main characteristics of passive
or active high-Q optical resonators. The method is based on cavity ringdown spectroscopy …

Optical frequency conversion in silica-whispering-gallery-mode microspherical resonators

D Farnesi, A Barucci, GC Righini, S Berneschi, S Soria… - Physical review …, 2014‏ - APS
High quality factor whispering-gallery-mode microresonators are ideally suited for nonlinear
optical interactions. We analyze, experimentally and theoretically, a variety of χ (3) nonlinear …