Quality factors in development best practices for mobile applications

EH Marinho, RF Resende - … Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2012 …, 2012‏ - Springer
Smart mobile devices (hereafter, SMDs) are becoming pervasive and their applications have
some particular attributes. Software Engineering deals with quality not only with traditional …

Software process and quality evaluation for semantic web applications

N Baliyan, S Kumar - IETE Technical Review, 2014‏ - Taylor & Francis
Semantic Web applications offer the benefit of providing reusable machine understandable
content in the form of an ontology. Machine understandability is one of the most important …

[PDF][PDF] Using SWET-QUM to compare the quality in use of semantic web exploration tools

JL González Sánchez, R García González… - 2013‏ - repositori.udl.cat
In order to make Semantic Web tools more appealing to lay-users, a key factor is their
Quality in Use, the quality of the user experience when interacting with them. To assess and …

SWET-QUM: a quality in use extension model for semantic web exploration tools

JL González, R García, JM Brunetti, R Gil… - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2012‏ - dl.acm.org
In order to make Semantic Web tools more appealing to lay-users, a key factor is their
Quality in Use, the quality of the user experience when interacting with them. To assess and …

Quality evaluation of semantic web applications

S Kumar, N Baliyan, S Kumar, N Baliyan - Semantic Web-Based Systems …, 2018‏ - Springer
Abstract As discussed in Chap. 1, Semantic Web applications are radically changing the
software industry through their ability to share and use data from heterogeneous sources …

Sustainability of Evaluations Presented in Research Publications

R García-Castro - 2011‏ - oa.upm.es
This position paper discusses how research publication would benefit of an infrastructure for
evaluation entities that could be used to support documenting research efforts (eg, in papers …