Sustainable practices in manufacturing SMEs: the importance of technological collaboration between supply chain partners
The development of new technologies within Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) may serve as a catalyst in
the development of sustainable practices (SP), particularly in the case of small and medium …
the development of sustainable practices (SP), particularly in the case of small and medium …
Factores motivacionales en modelos sostenibles de la industria de la moda
M Santucci, A Días, S Sotomayor… - Pymes, Innovación y …, 2023 - dialnet.unirioja.es
La industria de la moda es una de las industrias que genera mayor contaminación
ambiental y condiciones de trabajo injustas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo general …
ambiental y condiciones de trabajo injustas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo general …
Outward foreign direct investment and energy efficiency: firm-level evidence from China
X Lin, X Liu, LY He - Environment and Development Economics, 2025 - cambridge.org
Energy inefficiency and environmental damages caused by this inefficiency are increasingly
common in develo** countries. As the largest develo** country, China is experiencing a …
common in develo** countries. As the largest develo** country, China is experiencing a …
[PDF][PDF] Foreign Ownership Structure, Sustainable Finance, and Firm Value Nexus: Evidence from the Egyptian Banking Sector
A Abousamak, BBED El Sharawy… - Journal of Statistics …, 2023 - naturalspublishing.com
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of foreign ownership structure,
Sustainable Finance, and firm value Nexus in Egyptian Banks. In developed markets, the …
Sustainable Finance, and firm value Nexus in Egyptian Banks. In developed markets, the …
Production and current expenditures: A study of CO2 emissions in Ecuador's manufacturing industry
The activities developed in industrialization processes contribute to the deterioration of the
environment. In this context, global organizations generate mitigation alternatives through …
environment. In this context, global organizations generate mitigation alternatives through …
Check for updates The Readiness of Energy and Basic Materials Sectors and Carbon Tax Plan Role in Improving Environmental Quality in Indonesia
CMT Theofilus, S Margaretha - Advanced Materials for …, 2024 - books.google.com
The carbon tax plan in Indonesia can reduce environmental problems by triggering
companies to formulate CO2 emissions reduction strategies, especially in the energy and …
companies to formulate CO2 emissions reduction strategies, especially in the energy and …
[PDF][PDF] Foreign Direct Investment and Development
How much does an economy benefit from the possibility of shifting production across
borders? By choosing to establish a production facility overseas to serve foreign markets or …
borders? By choosing to establish a production facility overseas to serve foreign markets or …
The Readiness of Energy and Basic Materials Sectors and Carbon Tax Plan Role in Improving Environmental Quality in Indonesia
CMT Theofilus, S Margaretha, SP Hendratno - … Conference on Advanced …, 2023 - Springer
The carbon tax plan in Indonesia can reduce environmental problems by triggering
companies to formulate CO2 emissions reduction strategies, especially in the energy and …
companies to formulate CO2 emissions reduction strategies, especially in the energy and …
Gasto corriente e inversión en actividades para la gestión ambiental de residuos sólidos en la industria de manufactura del Ecuador
GP Gil Chango - 2023 - repositorio.uta.edu.ec
La industria de manufactura es una de las principales actividades económicas que más
contribuyen a la economía del país y generan mayores fuentes de empleo, sin embargo, por …
contribuyen a la economía del país y generan mayores fuentes de empleo, sin embargo, por …
Confianza interorganizacional en el sector de cosméticos sostenibles
M Santucci, G Méndez Crespi, P Giaccaglini… - 2023 - alicia.concytec.gob.pe
La implementación de modelos sostenibles requiere de la integración con proveedores y
canales para poder fortalecer los ecosistemas de negocio y responder a las nuevas …
canales para poder fortalecer los ecosistemas de negocio y responder a las nuevas …