Dünyada ve Türkiye'de enerji görünümünün genel değerlendirilmesi
Bu çalışmada, enerji kaynaklarının Dünya ve Türkiye için değerlendirilmesi incelenmiştir. Bu
enerji kaynaklarının küresel rezerv miktarları ve buna bağlı olarak kalan ömürleri, üretim ve …
enerji kaynaklarının küresel rezerv miktarları ve buna bağlı olarak kalan ömürleri, üretim ve …
[HTML][HTML] In a biogas power plant from waste heat power generation system using Organic Rankine Cycle and multi-criteria optimization
Increasing energy consumption, rapid population growth, and technological developments
have increased the need for energy demand day by day. At the point of meeting this need …
have increased the need for energy demand day by day. At the point of meeting this need …
[HTML][HTML] Exergy analysis and performance improvement of a subcritical/supercritical organic rankine cycle (ORC) for exhaust gas waste heat recovery in a biogas …
In the present study, a subcritical and supercritical regenerative organic Rankine cycle
(rORC) was designed. The designed rORCs assist a combined heat and power (CHP) …
(rORC) was designed. The designed rORCs assist a combined heat and power (CHP) …
Examining the receiver heat loss, parametric optimization and exergy analysis of a solar power tower (SPT) system
H Yağli - Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Thanks to the studies on the material properties of the future solar tower systems and
together with the developments in the material science, it has been observed that higher …
together with the developments in the material science, it has been observed that higher …
Energy, exergy, and parametric analysis of simple and recuperative organic Rankine cycles using a gas turbine–based combined cycle
Y Koç, H Yağlı, I Kalay - Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020 - ascelibrary.org
In this study, simple and recuperative organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) were designed as the
bottoming cycle to a simple gas turbine. After the design, the performance of the ORC …
bottoming cycle to a simple gas turbine. After the design, the performance of the ORC …
Empirical models for estimating the daily and monthly global solar radiation for Mediterranean and Central Anatolia region of Turkey
Climatology and geoengineering studies in literature clearly identify the relationship
between solar radiation and global warming. These studies generally try to predict progress …
between solar radiation and global warming. These studies generally try to predict progress …
Deep neural network approach to estimation of power production for an organic Rankine cycle system
In this study, the possibility of using Stepwise multilinear regression and deep learning
models to estimate the behaviour of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has been …
models to estimate the behaviour of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has been …
Comparison of different techniques for estimation of incoming longwave radiation
Global warming and climate change have left develo** countries fragile in terms of
agricultural production, and this vulnerability is expected to increase in the near future. The …
agricultural production, and this vulnerability is expected to increase in the near future. The …
First and second law-based thermal optimisation of the Kalina cycle integrated into an existing burner-based cogeneration system using waste chips as fuel
Y Koc, M Aksar, H Yagli - International Journal of Exergy, 2020 - inderscienceonline.com
Due to increasing energy demand and decreasing fossil resources, the optimisation of
existing systems has a critical role to minimise energy consumption and diminish the …
existing systems has a critical role to minimise energy consumption and diminish the …
[PDF][PDF] Isı-güç kombine sistemlerinde kullanılan kalina çevriminin enerji ve ekserji analizi
Y Koç, H Yağlı - Politeknik Dergisi, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
ÖZ Küresel ısınmanın giderek arttığı ve hava kirliliğinin insan sağlığını hissedilebilir şekilde
tehdit ettiği bugünlerde, enerjiye olan ihtiyaç da giderek artmaktadır. Bu nedenle sadece …
tehdit ettiği bugünlerde, enerjiye olan ihtiyaç da giderek artmaktadır. Bu nedenle sadece …