Noun and verb differences in picture naming: Past studies and new evidence

S Mätzig, J Druks, J Masterson, G Vigliocco - Cortex, 2009 - Elsevier
We re-examine the double dissociation view of noun–verb differences by critically reviewing
past lesion studies reporting selective noun or verb deficits in picture naming, and reporting …

Cross-linguistic research in aphasia: An overview

E Bates, B Wulfeck, B MacWhinney - Brain and language, 1991 - Elsevier
Most of us would like to believe that the different patterns of language breakdown observed
in aphasic patients reflect the way that the human mind and brain are organized for …

[CARTE][B] Язык и знание

Е Кубрякова - 2022 -
Собранные в настоящем томе публикации освещают принципы и установки той новой
парадигмы знания в отечественной лингвистике, которая получила название …

Second language acquisition and the competition model

B MacWhinney - Tutorials in bilingualism, 2014 -
Current approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) can be divided broadly into two
groups: nativist models and empiricist models. Nativist models attribute language …

[PDF][PDF] The competition model: The input, the context, and the brain

B MacWhinney - 2001 -
Language learning is a three-way interaction between the input, the learner, and the
interactional context (Bloom, 1974). This three-way interaction provides a general framework …

Verb retrieval in aphasia. 1. Characterizing single word impairments

RS Berndt, CC Mitchum, AN Haendiges, J Sandson - Brain and language, 1997 - Elsevier
The ability of aphasic patients to produce words from the grammatical classes of nouns and
verbs was investigated in tasks that elicited these types of words in isolation. Eleven chronic …

Quantitative analysis of aphasic sentence production: Further development and new data

E Rochon, EM Saffran, RS Berndt, MF Schwartz - Brain and language, 2000 - Elsevier
The narrative production of patients with Broca's aphasia and age-and education-matched
control subjects was analyzed using the Quantitative Production Analysis (Saffran et al …

Verb retrieval in action naming and spontaneous speech in agrammatic and anomic aphasia

R Bastiaanse, R Jonkers - Aphasiology, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
The production of verbs in an action naming test and in spontaneous speech was evaluated
in 16 aphasic patients: eight agrammatics and eight anomics. Action naming was also …

[CARTE][B] Tutorials in bilingualism: Psycholinguistic perspectives

AMB De Groot, JF Kroll - 2014 -
The past fifteen years have witnessed an increasing interest in the cognitive study of the
bilingual. A major reason why psychologists, psycholinguists, applied linguists …

Verb–noun double dissociation in aphasic lexical impairments: The role of word frequency and imageability

C Luzzatti, R Raggi, G Zonca, C Pistarini, A Contardi… - Brain and language, 2002 - Elsevier
Neurolinguistic studies have provided important evidence regarding the organization of
lexical representations and the structure of underlying conceptual knowledge; in particular, it …