Resource use, availability and cost in the provision of critical care in Tanzania: a systematic review
Objectives Critical care is essential in saving lives of critically ill patients, however, provision
of critical care across lower resource settings can be costly, fragmented and heterogenous …
of critical care across lower resource settings can be costly, fragmented and heterogenous …
Cost effectiveness of strategies for caring for critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Tanzania
Background The resources for critical care are limited in many settings, exacerbating the
significant morbidity and mortality associated with critical illness. Budget constraints can …
significant morbidity and mortality associated with critical illness. Budget constraints can …
Hospital readiness for the provision of care to critically ill patients in Tanzania–an in-depth cross-sectional study
Background Critical illness is a state of ill health with vital organ dysfunction, a high risk of
imminent death if care is not provided and potential for reversibility. The burden of critical …
imminent death if care is not provided and potential for reversibility. The burden of critical …