Theory of the structural glass transition: A pedagogical review
V Lubchenko - Advances in Physics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The random first-order transition theory of the structural glass transition is reviewed in a
pedagogical fashion. The rigidity that emerges in crystals and glassy liquids is of the same …
pedagogical fashion. The rigidity that emerges in crystals and glassy liquids is of the same …
A twist for tunable electronic and thermal transport properties of nanodevices
Twisted graphene-layered materials with nonzero interlayer twist angles (θ) have recently
become appealing, as they exhibit a range of attractive physical properties, which include a …
become appealing, as they exhibit a range of attractive physical properties, which include a …
Universal features of terahertz absorption in disordered materials
Using an analytical theory, experimental terahertz time-domain spectroscopy data, and
numerical evidence, we demonstrate that the frequency dependence of the absorption …
numerical evidence, we demonstrate that the frequency dependence of the absorption …
Glassy and liquid Sb 2 S 3: insight into the structure and dynamics of a promising functional material
Antimony sesquisulfide Sb2S3 has become an outstanding advanced functional material in
a variety of rapidly growing application fields: smart integrated photonics from the visible to …
a variety of rapidly growing application fields: smart integrated photonics from the visible to …
Rigidity and intermediate phases in glasses driven by speciation
M Micoulaut - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2006 - APS
Rigidity transitions that separate elastic phases in glasses are studied in the case where the
local structure is not fully determined from the macroscopic concentration. It is shown that the …
local structure is not fully determined from the macroscopic concentration. It is shown that the …
Spatial distribution of rare-earth ions and tetrahedra in chalcogenide glasses studied via laser spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation
The spatial distribution of Nd 3+ ions and GaS 4 tetrahedral units in Nd-doped Ge-As-Ga-S
glasses has been studied by laser spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) …
glasses has been studied by laser spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) …
Defects in Se, As2S3, and GeS2 glasses: Ab initio analyses of related clusters
K Tanaka - Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Dangling bonds in Se, As 2 S 3, and GeS 2 glasses and wrong bonds in the
compounds have been comparatively studied using an ab initio molecular-orbital software …
compounds have been comparatively studied using an ab initio molecular-orbital software …
Chemical and structural variety in sodium thioarsenate glasses studied by neutron diffraction and supported by first-principles simulations
Sodium-conducting sulfide glasses are promising materials for the next generation of solid-
state batteries. Deep insight into the glass structure is required to ensure a functional design …
state batteries. Deep insight into the glass structure is required to ensure a functional design …
Pressure-Driven Chemical Disorder in Glassy As2S3 up to 14.7 GPa, Postdensification Effects, and Applications in Materials Design
A small difference in energy between homopolar and heteropolar bonds and the glass-
forming ability of pure chalcogens leads to unexpected trends in densification mechanisms …
forming ability of pure chalcogens leads to unexpected trends in densification mechanisms …
The local structure of AsSeS chalcogenide glasses studied by neutron diffraction and Raman scattering
RI Alekberov, SI Mekhtiyeva, AI Isayev… - Journal of Non-Crystalline …, 2017 - Elsevier
The local structures of amorphous As 40 Se 60, As 40 Se 30 S 30, As 33.3 Se 33.3 S 33.4
chalcogenide glass semiconductors have been studied by neutron diffraction and Raman …
chalcogenide glass semiconductors have been studied by neutron diffraction and Raman …