The multifaceted role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in emotion, decision making, social cognition, and psychopathology
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has been implicated in a variety of social,
cognitive, and affective functions that are commonly disrupted in mental illness. In this …
cognitive, and affective functions that are commonly disrupted in mental illness. In this …
The neurobiology of drug addiction: cross-species insights into the dysfunction and recovery of the prefrontal cortex
A growing preclinical and clinical body of work on the effects of chronic drug use and drug
addiction has extended the scope of inquiry from the putative reward-related subcortical …
addiction has extended the scope of inquiry from the putative reward-related subcortical …
The role of dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in the processing of emotional dimensions
The ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are two major prefrontal regions that
usually interact in serving different cognitive functions. On the other hand, these regions are …
usually interact in serving different cognitive functions. On the other hand, these regions are …
Lesion studies in contemporary neuroscience
Studies of humans with focal brain damage and non-human animals with experimentally
induced brain lesions have provided pivotal insights into the neural basis of behavior. As the …
induced brain lesions have provided pivotal insights into the neural basis of behavior. As the …
Impulse control and related disorders in Parkinson's disease
D Weintraub, DO Claassen - International review of neurobiology, 2017 - Elsevier
Impulse control disorders (ICDs), such as compulsive gambling, buying, sexual, and eating
behaviors, are a serious and increasingly recognized complication in Parkinson's disease …
behaviors, are a serious and increasingly recognized complication in Parkinson's disease …
Love is analogous to money in human brain: Coordinate-based and functional connectivity meta-analyses of social and monetary reward anticipation
Both social and material rewards play a crucial role in daily life and function as strong
incentives for various goal-directed behaviors. However, it remains unclear whether the …
incentives for various goal-directed behaviors. However, it remains unclear whether the …
Human ventromedial prefrontal cortex is necessary for prosocial motivation
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is vital for decision-making. Functional
neuroimaging links vmPFC to processing rewards and effort, while parallel work suggests …
neuroimaging links vmPFC to processing rewards and effort, while parallel work suggests …
Reward sensitivity deficits modulated by dopamine are associated with apathy in Parkinson's disease
Apathy is a debilitating and under-recognized condition that has a significant impact in many
neurodegenerative disorders. In Parkinson's disease, it is now known to contribute to worse …
neurodegenerative disorders. In Parkinson's disease, it is now known to contribute to worse …
Large-scale lesion symptom map** of depression identifies brain regions for risk and resilience
Understanding neural circuits that support mood is a central goal of affective neuroscience,
and improved understanding of the anatomy could inform more targeted interventions in …
and improved understanding of the anatomy could inform more targeted interventions in …
Modulating musical reward sensitivity up and down with transcranial magnetic stimulation
Humans have the unique capacity to experience pleasure from aesthetic stimuli, such as art
and music. Recent neuroimaging findings with music have led to a model in which …
and music. Recent neuroimaging findings with music have led to a model in which …