Literature reviews in HCI: A review of reviews
This paper analyses Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) literature reviews to provide a clear
conceptual basis for authors, reviewers, and readers. HCI is multidisciplinary and various …
conceptual basis for authors, reviewers, and readers. HCI is multidisciplinary and various …
A review of evaluation practices of gesture generation in embodied conversational agents
Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) are often designed to produce nonverbal behavior
to complement or enhance their verbal communication. One such form of the nonverbal …
to complement or enhance their verbal communication. One such form of the nonverbal …
Explainable artificial intelligence: Evaluating the objective and subjective impacts of xai on human-agent interaction
Intelligent agents must be able to communicate intentions and explain their decision-making
processes to build trust, foster confidence, and improve human-agent team dynamics …
processes to build trust, foster confidence, and improve human-agent team dynamics …
User experience and physiological response in human-robot collaboration: a preliminary investigation
Within the context of Industry 4.0 and of the new emerging Industry 5.0, human factors are
becoming increasingly important, especially in Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). This …
becoming increasingly important, especially in Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). This …
[HTML][HTML] “That's (not) the output I expected!” On the role of end user expectations in creating explanations of AI systems
Research in the social sciences has shown that expectations are an important factor in
explanations as used between humans: rather than explaining the cause of an event per se …
explanations as used between humans: rather than explaining the cause of an event per se …
Evaluating the user's experience, adaptivity and learning outcomes of a fuzzy-based intelligent tutoring system for computer programming for academic students in …
Nowadays, the improvement of digital learning with Artificial Intelligence has attracted a lot
of research, as it provides solutions for individualized education styles which are …
of research, as it provides solutions for individualized education styles which are …
Concerning trends in likert scale usage in human-robot interaction: Towards improving best practices
As robots become more prevalent, the importance of the field of human-robot interaction
(HRI) grows accordingly. As such, we should endeavor to employ the best statistical …
(HRI) grows accordingly. As such, we should endeavor to employ the best statistical …
15 years of (who) man robot interaction: Reviewing the h in human-robot interaction
Recent work identified a concerning trend of disproportional gender representation in
research participants in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI). Motivated by the fact that …
research participants in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI). Motivated by the fact that …
Transfer learning of human preferences for proactive robot assistance in assembly tasks
We focus on enabling robots to proactively assist humans in assembly tasks by adapting to
their preferred sequence of actions. Much work on robot adaptation requires human …
their preferred sequence of actions. Much work on robot adaptation requires human …
In the arms of a robot: Designing autonomous hugging robots with intra-hug gestures
Hugs are complex affective interactions that often include gestures like squeezes. We
present six new guidelines for designing interactive hugging robots, which we validate …
present six new guidelines for designing interactive hugging robots, which we validate …