Pharmaceuticals of emerging concern in aquatic systems: chemistry, occurrence, effects, and removal methods
In the last few decades, pharmaceuticals, credited with saving millions of lives, have
emerged as a new class of environmental contaminant. These compounds can have both …
emerged as a new class of environmental contaminant. These compounds can have both …
Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants
Pharmaceutical compounds, such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), anticonvulsants, β-blocker, etc. have emerged as new classes of water pollutants …
(NSAIDs), anticonvulsants, β-blocker, etc. have emerged as new classes of water pollutants …
In-situ pyrolysis of Enteromorpha as carbocatalyst for catalytic removal of organic contaminants: Considering the intrinsic N/Fe in Enteromorpha and non-radical …
An environmentally friendly, facile, and economical Fe/N co-doped carbonaceous material
(Fe-N@ C) was prepared by the in-situ pyrolysis of Fe/N rich Enteromorpha biomass for …
(Fe-N@ C) was prepared by the in-situ pyrolysis of Fe/N rich Enteromorpha biomass for …
Occurrence and fate of emerging contaminants in water environment: A review
Emerging contaminants (ECs), such as personal care products (PCPs), endocrine disrupting
compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals (PhACs) and their transformation products, whose …
compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals (PhACs) and their transformation products, whose …
Visible-light activation of persulfate by TiO2/g-C3N4 photocatalyst toward efficient degradation of micropollutants
X Du, X Bai, L Xu, L Yang, P ** - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract A novel TiO 2/gC 3 N 4-PS system was proposed, in which a TiO 2/gC 3 N 4
heterojunction was used to activate persulfate (PS) to enhance pollutant photodegradation …
heterojunction was used to activate persulfate (PS) to enhance pollutant photodegradation …
Recent advances in advanced oxidation processes for removal of contaminants from water: A comprehensive review
Water reuse for drinking, irrigation, district cooling, process heating/cooling, landsca**,
etc. remains pivotal to water security and sustainability. Advanced oxidation processes …
etc. remains pivotal to water security and sustainability. Advanced oxidation processes …
A review on approaches for addressing the limitations of Fenton oxidation for recalcitrant wastewater treatment
Fenton oxidation is an effective technology for the degradation of recalcitrant organic
pollutants. However, conventional Fenton oxidation possesses some drawbacks such as the …
pollutants. However, conventional Fenton oxidation possesses some drawbacks such as the …
Observable removal of pharmaceutical residues by highly porous photoactive cellulose acetate@ MIL-MOF film
Pharmaceutical products are used tremendously worldwide and subsequently released into
wastewater even at very low concentration caused serious environmental problem due to …
wastewater even at very low concentration caused serious environmental problem due to …
A review of catalytic performance of metallic glasses in wastewater treatment: Recent progress and prospects
Metallic glasses (MGs), with their unique disordered atomic packing structure and superior
catalytic capabilities, have gradually been realized with their significance in the field of …
catalytic capabilities, have gradually been realized with their significance in the field of …
Enhancement of Cr (VI) removal efficiency via adsorption/photocatalysis synergy using electrospun chitosan/g-C3N4/TiO2 nanofibers
QH Li, M Dong, R Li, YQ Cui, GX **e, XX Wang… - Carbohydrate …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Chitosan/gC 3 N 4/TiO 2 (CS/CNT) nanofibers were fabricated by electrospinning
technique for Cr (VI) removal through the adsorption and photocatalytic processes. The …
technique for Cr (VI) removal through the adsorption and photocatalytic processes. The …