Electronic structure of the high-temperature oxide superconductors

WE Pickett - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1989‏ - APS
Since the discovery of superconductivity above 30 K by Bednorz and Müller in the La copper
oxide system, the critical temperature has been raised to 90 K in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7 and to 110 …

[ספר][B] Superfluidity and superconductivity

DR Tilley - 2019‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Superfluidity and Superconductivity, Third Edition introduces the low-temperature
phenomena of superfluidity and superconductivity from a unified viewpoint. The book …

Systematic study of insulator-metal transitions in perovskites R (R=Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu) due to closing of charge-transfer gap

JB Torrance, P Lacorre, AI Nazzal, EJ Ansaldo… - Physical Review B, 1992‏ - APS
The detailed behavior of the phase transitions was mapped out for the series R NiO 3 as a
function of the rare earth (R). A sharp insulator-metal transition is observed, which depends …

Universal Correlations between and (Carrier Density over Effective Mass) in High- Cuprate Superconductors

YJ Uemura, GM Luke, BJ Sternlieb, JH Brewer… - Physical review …, 1989‏ - APS
The muon-spin-relaxation rate σ has been measured in sixteen specimens of high-T c
cuprate superconductors (the 2: 1: 4, 1: 2: 3, 2: 2: 1: 2, and 2: 2: 2: 3 series). This has allowed …

[ספר][B] Electronic conduction in oxides

N Tsuda - 2000‏ - books.google.com
This is a revised version of the first edition published in 1991. At the same time, this is a
revised version of the Syokabo edition, which was written in Japanese and published in …

μSR studies of the vortex state in type-II superconductors

JE Sonier, JH Brewer, RF Kiefl - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2000‏ - APS
The authors present a review of recent muon spin rotation (μSR) studies of the vortex state in
type-II superconductors. There are significant gaps in our understanding of this unusual …

Incommensurate antiferromagnetism in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

HJ Schulz - Physical review letters, 1990‏ - APS
The magnetic states occurring in the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the vicinity of half-
filling of the conduction band are studied in the case of weak correlations, using Hartree …

Pseudogap temperature of cuprate superconductors from the Nernst effect

O Cyr-Choinière, R Daou, F Laliberté, C Collignon… - Physical Review B, 2018‏ - APS
We use the Nernst effect to delineate the boundary of the pseudogap phase in the
temperature-do** phase diagram of hole-doped cuprate superconductors. New data for …

theory of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity

E Demler, W Hanke, SC Zhang - Reviews of modern physics, 2004‏ - APS
Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity are both fundamental and common states of
matter. In many strongly correlated systems, including the high-T c cuprates, the heavy …

Wavelet analysis of turbulence reveals the multifractal nature of the Richardson cascade

F Argoul, A Arneodo, G Grasseau, Y Gagne… - Nature, 1989‏ - nature.com
THE central problem of fully developed turbulence is the energy-cascading process. It has
resisted all attempts at a full physical understanding or mathematical formulation. The main …