Null models in network neuroscience
Recent advances in imaging and tracing technology provide increasingly detailed
reconstructions of brain connectomes. Concomitant analytic advances enable rigorous …
reconstructions of brain connectomes. Concomitant analytic advances enable rigorous …
Towards a biologically annotated brain connectome
The brain is a network of interleaved neural circuits. In modern connectomics, brain
connectivity is typically encoded as a network of nodes and edges, abstracting away the rich …
connectivity is typically encoded as a network of nodes and edges, abstracting away the rich …
The connectome of an insect brain
Brains contain networks of interconnected neurons and so knowing the network architecture
is essential for understanding brain function. We therefore mapped the synaptic-resolution …
is essential for understanding brain function. We therefore mapped the synaptic-resolution …
A precision functional atlas of personalized network topography and probabilities
Although the general location of functional neural networks is similar across individuals,
there is vast person-to-person topographic variability. To capture this, we implemented …
there is vast person-to-person topographic variability. To capture this, we implemented …
[HTML][HTML] Quantitative map** of the brain's structural connectivity using diffusion MRI tractography: A review
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography is an advanced imaging
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
Epilepsy and brain network hubs
Epilepsy is a disorder of brain networks. A better understanding of structural and dynamic
network properties may improve epilepsy diagnosis, treatment, and prognostics. Hubs are …
network properties may improve epilepsy diagnosis, treatment, and prognostics. Hubs are …
Graph theory methods: applications in brain networks
Network neuroscience is a thriving and rapidly expanding field. Empirical data on brain
networks, from molecular to behavioral scales, are ever increasing in size and complexity …
networks, from molecular to behavioral scales, are ever increasing in size and complexity …
Rethinking retrosplenial cortex: Perspectives and predictions
The last decade has produced exciting new ideas about retrosplenial cortex (RSC) and its
role in integrating diverse inputs. Here, we review the diversity in forms of spatial and …
role in integrating diverse inputs. Here, we review the diversity in forms of spatial and …
Resting-state functional MRI: everything that nonexperts have always wanted to know
Resting-state fMRI was first described by Biswal et al in 1995 and has since then been
widely used in both healthy subjects and patients with various neurologic, neurosurgical …
widely used in both healthy subjects and patients with various neurologic, neurosurgical …
Revisiting the functional anatomy of the human brain: toward a meta-networking theory of cerebral functions
For more than one century, brain processing was mainly thought in a localizationist
framework, in which one given function was underpinned by a discrete, isolated cortical …
framework, in which one given function was underpinned by a discrete, isolated cortical …