A review of teaching sentence-level writing skills to students with writing difficulties and learning disabilities
Students with writing difficulties and learning disabilities struggle with many aspects of the
writing process, including use of sentence-level skills. This literature review summarizes …
writing process, including use of sentence-level skills. This literature review summarizes …
Expanding the developmental models of writing: A direct and indirect effects model of developmental writing (DIEW).
We investigated direct and indirect effects of component skills on writing (DIEW) using data
from 193 children in Grade 1. In this model, working memory was hypothesized to be a …
from 193 children in Grade 1. In this model, working memory was hypothesized to be a …
Toward an understanding of dimensions, predictors, and the gender gap in written composition.
We had 3 aims in the present study:(a) to examine the dimensionality of various evaluative
approaches to scoring writing samples (eg, quality, productivity, and curriculum-based …
approaches to scoring writing samples (eg, quality, productivity, and curriculum-based …
Supporting teachers' use of data-based instruction to improve students' early writing skills.
We examined the effects of a professional development (PD) system designed to support
teachers' use of data-based instruction (DBI) to improve early writing outcomes for children …
teachers' use of data-based instruction (DBI) to improve early writing outcomes for children …
Supporting teachers' data-based individualization of early writing instruction: An efficacy trial
In a multiyear, multisite, randomized control trial, we examined the effects of comprehensive
professional development designed to support teachers' data-based instruction (DBI) for …
professional development designed to support teachers' data-based instruction (DBI) for …
Longitudinal effects of data-based instructional changes for students with intensive learning needs: A piecewise linear–linear mixed-effects modeling approach.
For students with intensive learning needs for whom standard, validated interventions do not
effectively promote academic growth, data-based instruction (DBI) is suggested as an …
effectively promote academic growth, data-based instruction (DBI) is suggested as an …
Evaluating the dimensionality of first-grade written composition
Purpose This study examined dimensions of written composition by using multiple
evaluative approaches such as an adapted 6+ 1 trait scoring, syntactic complexity …
evaluative approaches such as an adapted 6+ 1 trait scoring, syntactic complexity …
Curriculum-based measurement for beginning writers: Recent developments and future directions
Many students with learning disabilities (LD) experience significant difficulties in develo**
writing proficiency. Early identification and intervention can prevent long-term writing …
writing proficiency. Early identification and intervention can prevent long-term writing …
Meta-analysis of criterion validity for curriculum-based measurement in written language
We used meta-analysis to examine the criterion validity of four scoring procedures used in
curriculum-based measurement of written language. A total of 22 articles representing 21 …
curriculum-based measurement of written language. A total of 22 articles representing 21 …
Theorization and an empirical investigation of the component-based and developmental text writing fluency construct
We discuss a component-based, developmental view of text writing fluency, which we tested
using data from children in Grades 2 and 3. Text writing fluency was defined as efficiency …
using data from children in Grades 2 and 3. Text writing fluency was defined as efficiency …