Automatic deployment of distributed software systems: Definitions and state of the art

JP Arcangeli, R Boujbel, S Leriche - Journal of Systems and Software, 2015 - Elsevier
Deployment of software systems is a complex post-production process that consists in
making software available for use and then kee** it operational. It must deal with …

Ai for devsecops: A landscape and future opportunities

M Fu, J Pasuksmit, C Tantithamthavorn - ACM Transactions on Software …, 2024 -
DevOps has emerged as one of the most rapidly evolving software development paradigms.
With the growing concerns surrounding security in software systems, the DevSecOps …

An open component model and its support in java

E Bruneton, T Coupaye, M Leclercq, V Quéma… - … on Component-based …, 2004 - Springer
This paper presents Fractal, a hierarchical and reflective component model with sharing.
Components in this model can be endowed with arbitrary reflective capabilities, from black …

Software deployment, past, present and future

A Dearle - Future of Software Engineering (FOSE'07), 2007 -
This paper examines the dimensions influencing the past and present and speculates on the
future of software deployment. Software deployment is a post-production activity that is …

[PDF][PDF] A cooperative approach to support software deployment using the software dock

RS Hall, D Heimbigner, AL Wolf - … of the 21st international conference on …, 1999 -
Software deployment is an evolving collection of interrelated processes such as release,
install, adapt, reconfigure, update, activate, deactivate, remove, and retire. The connectivity …

[KNYGA][B] A concise introduction to software engineering

P Jalote - 2008 - Springer
Any software development now will probably use open source software and large language
models (LLMs) or generative AI (genAI) for hel** in some of the tasks. The open source …

An extensible framework for improving a distributed software system's deployment architecture

S Malek, N Medvidovic… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 -
A distributed system's allocation of software components to hardware nodes (ie, deployment
architecture) can have a significant impact on its quality of service (QoS). For a given system …

Continuous deployment in software-intensive system-of-systems

A Dakkak, J Bosch, HH Olsson, DI Mattos - Information and Software …, 2023 - Elsevier
Context: While continuous deployment is popular among web-based software development
organizations, adopting continuous deployment in software-intensive system-of-systems is …

[KNYGA][B] The purely functional software deployment model

E Dolstra - 2006 -
Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van
de Rector Magnificus, Prof. dr. WH Gispen, ingevolge het besluit van het College voor …

Software deployment on heterogeneous platforms: A systematic map** study

HS de Andrade, J Schroeder… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
Context: Multiple types of processing units (eg, CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs) can be used jointly
to achieve better performance in computational systems. However, these units are built with …