Global value chains from an evolutionary economic geography perspective: a research agenda

R Boschma - Area Development and Policy, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The research agendas of evolutionary economic geography (EEG) and global value chains
(GVCs) have developed more or less independently from each other, with little interaction so …

New perspectives on the evolution of clusters

F Belussi - Dislocation: Awkward Spatial Transitions, 2021 -
The literature on clusters is based on the seminal writings of Marshall, followed by Becattini's
rediscovery of the concept of the 'industrial district'and the analyses promoted during the …

Local clusters in global value chains

V De Marchi, E Di Maria, G Gereffi - 2018 -
The location of economic activities in specific territories and the reorganization of industries
into global value chains have reshaped analysis on the competitiveness of regions and …

Be creative but not so much. Decreasing benefits of creativity in clustered firms

V del-Corte-Lora, T Vallet-Bellmunt… - Entrepreneurship & …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Several previous studies have investigated creativity as an enhancer of innovation, their
results showing that there is a positive relationship between the organizational creative …

Are technology gatekeepers renewing clusters? Understanding gatekeepers and their dynamics across cluster life cycles

JL Hervas-Oliver, J Albors-Garrigos - Entrepreneurship & Regional …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The cluster literature assumes that technology gatekeepers (TGs) shape a district's learning
process and its evolution. However, analysis of the resilience of TGs, and their role across …

Global pipelines for innovation: insights from the case of Norway

RD Fitjar, F Huber - Journal of Economic Geography, 2014 -
Using data on 418 Norwegian firms, the results confirm the hypotheses that
innovative/radically innovative firms tend to be more involved in international personal and …

Clusters and industrial districts: Where is the literature going? Identifying emerging sub-fields of research

JL Hervas-Oliver, G Gonzalez, P Caja… - European Planning …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The industrial district and cluster literature has generated an extraordinary quantity of
articles, debates and topics for discussion, and encompasses one of the most vibrant lines of …

Radical innovation in Marshallian industrial districts

JL Hervás-Oliver, J Albors-Garrigos… - Regional …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Radical innovation is under-researched in the geography of innovation. In this paper, the
focus is on understanding how radical innovations occur in Marshallian industrial districts …

The role of a firm's absorptive capacity and the technology transfer process in clusters: How effective are technology centres in low-tech clusters?

JL Hervas-Oliver, J Albors-Garrigos… - Entrepreneurship & …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This paper analyses how the internal resources of small-and medium-sized enterprises
determine access (learning processes) to technology centres (TCs) or industrial research …

[PDF][PDF] The international resilience of Italian industrial districts/clusters (ID/C) between knowledge re-shoring and manufacturing off (near)-shoring

F Belussi - Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional …, 2015 -
The literature regarding ID/C is based on seminal writings of Marshall, followed by Giacomo
Becattini's rediscovering of the concept of an «industrial district». But the concept of a …