Query expansion techniques for information retrieval: a survey
With the ever increasing size of the web, relevant information extraction on the Internet with
a query formed by a few keywords has become a big challenge. Query Expansion (QE) …
a query formed by a few keywords has become a big challenge. Query Expansion (QE) …
The unreasonable effectiveness of data
Problems that involve interacting with humans, such as natural language understanding,
have not proven to be solvable by concise, neat formulas like F= ma. Instead, the best …
have not proven to be solvable by concise, neat formulas like F= ma. Instead, the best …
A survey of query auto completion in information retrieval
In information retrieval, query auto completion (QAC), also known as typeahead [**ao et al.,
2013, Cai et al., 2014b] and auto-complete suggestion [Jain and Mishne, 2010], refers to the …
2013, Cai et al., 2014b] and auto-complete suggestion [Jain and Mishne, 2010], refers to the …
Learning to rewrite queries
It is widely known that there exists a semantic gap between web documents and user
queries and bridging this gap is crucial to advance information retrieval systems. The task of …
queries and bridging this gap is crucial to advance information retrieval systems. The task of …
[PDF][PDF] Automatic keyphrase extraction by bridging vocabulary gap
Keyphrase extraction aims to select a set of terms from a document as a short summary of
the document. Most methods extract keyphrases according to their statistical properties in …
the document. Most methods extract keyphrases according to their statistical properties in …
Query rewriting using monolingual statistical machine translation
Long queries often suffer from low recall in Web search due to conjunctive term matching.
The chances of matching words in relevant documents can be increased by rewriting query …
The chances of matching words in relevant documents can be increased by rewriting query …
Big data driven natural language processing research and applications
Due to the inherent complexity of natural languages, many natural language tasks are ill-
posed for mathematically precise algorithmic solutions. To circumvent this problem …
posed for mathematically precise algorithmic solutions. To circumvent this problem …
Mining the interests of Chinese microbloggers via keyword extraction
Microblogging provides a new platform for communicating and sharing information among
Web users. Users can express opinions and record daily life using microblogs. Microblogs …
Web users. Users can express opinions and record daily life using microblogs. Microblogs …
[PDF][PDF] A simple word trigger method for social tag suggestion
It is popular for users in Web 2.0 era to freely annotate online resources with tags. To ease
the annotation process, it has been great interest in automatic tag suggestion. We propose a …
the annotation process, it has been great interest in automatic tag suggestion. We propose a …
Automatically mining facets for queries from their search results
We address the problem of finding query facets which are multiple groups of words or
phrases that explain and summarize the content covered by a query. We assume that the …
phrases that explain and summarize the content covered by a query. We assume that the …