Human capital efficiency and firm performance across sectors in an emerging market

NP Tran, DH Vo - Cogent Business & Management, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Human capital is considered the cornerstone of any progress in economic growth and
development for any country. Vietnam and other emerging markets are no exception. One …

The impact of investment in human capital on bank performance: evidence from Bangladesh

MM Rahman, B Akhter - Future Business Journal, 2021 - Springer
The objective of this study is to examine the aspects of investment in human capital like
training of employees, education level of employees, knowledge level of employees, and …

[HTML][HTML] Macroeconomic factors, working capital management, and firm performance—A static and dynamic panel analysis

S Hussain, VC Nguyen, QM Nguyen… - Humanities and Social …, 2021 -
The aim of the study is to explore the interaction effect of macroeconomics indicators, and
working capital flows on financial performance in a develo** economy. By using the static …

The effect of talent management and human capital on sustainable business performance: An empirical investigation in Malaysian hospitals

NA AlQershi, R Thurasamy, GA Ali… - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Purpose This paper aims to examine the mediating role of human capital on the talent
management in hospitals' sustainable business performance in the health-care sector of …

Internal factors affecting the financial performance of an organisation's business processes

TTC Nguyen, ATH Le, CV Nguyen - Business Process Management …, 2023 -
Purpose Although there are many efforts within organisations to improve the financial
performance of business processes, the results of studies on the impact of internal factors on …

[PDF][PDF] The role of work life balance for organizational commitment

I Hutagalung, M Soelton… - Management Science …, 2020 -
Human resources are individuals or groups who work in companies or organizations.
Human resources have a significant contribution in increasing the competitiveness of …

The Dynamic Impact of Intellectual Capital

D Ermawati¹, N Nurcahyono¹ - Proceedings of the International …, 2023 -
Increasing business growth encourages companies to increase com-pany achievements,
prosper shareholders and grow company value. This study aims to show the effect of the …

Impact of exchange rate shocks, inward FDI and import on export performance: a cointegration analysis

VC Nguyen, TT Do - The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and …, 2020 -
The study aims to examine the effects of inward every presence of foreign investment,
import, and real exchange rate shocks on export performance in Vietnam. This study …

The effect of social and intellectual capital on fraud and money laundering in Iraq

M Salehi, H Ali Mohammed Al-Msafir… - Journal of Money …, 2023 -
Purpose This study aims to assess the relationship between intellectual and social capital
and financial statement fraud and money laundering of Iraqi firms before and after the …

The determinants of bank's stability: a system GMM panel analysis

TT Pham, LKO Dao, VC Nguyen - Cogent Business & Management, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This study was conducted to investigate the determinants of bank's stability in an emerging
country. Data were collected from the commercial banks listed on Vietnam's Stock …