[KNJIGA][B] Harmonic Maass forms and mock modular forms: theory and applications
Modular forms and Jacobi forms play a central role in many areas of mathematics. Over the
last 10–15 years, this theory has been extended to certain non-holomorphic functions, the so …
last 10–15 years, this theory has been extended to certain non-holomorphic functions, the so …
Quantum black holes, wall crossing, and mock modular forms
A Dabholkar, S Murthy, D Zagier - arxiv preprint arxiv:1208.4074, 2012 - arxiv.org
We show that the meromorphic Jacobi form that counts the quarter-BPS states in N= 4 string
theories can be canonically decomposed as a sum of a mock Jacobi form and an Appell …
theories can be canonically decomposed as a sum of a mock Jacobi form and an Appell …
[KNJIGA][B] Mordell–Weil lattices
M Schütt, T Shioda, M Schütt, T Shioda - 2019 - Springer
In this chapter, we give the definition of Mordell–Weil lattice (in Sect. 6.5). First, we bring
together the concepts from Chaps. 4 and 5 in order to gain a better understanding of the …
together the concepts from Chaps. 4 and 5 in order to gain a better understanding of the …
Monstrous moonshine relates distinguished modular functions to the representation theory
of the Monster. The celebrated observations that 1= 1, 196884= 1+ 196883, 21493760= 1+ …
of the Monster. The celebrated observations that 1= 1, 196884= 1+ 196883, 21493760= 1+ …
3d modularity
A bstract We find and propose an explanation for a large variety of modularity-related
symmetries in problems of 3-manifold topology and physics of 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 2 theories …
symmetries in problems of 3-manifold topology and physics of 3d\(\mathcal {N}\)= 2 theories …
Three-manifold quantum invariants and mock theta functions
MCN Cheng, F Ferrari, G Sgroi - … Transactions of the …, 2020 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Mock modular forms have found applications in numerous branches of mathematical
sciences since they were first introduced by Ramanujan nearly a century ago. In this …
sciences since they were first introduced by Ramanujan nearly a century ago. In this …
Sterile neutrinos and the global reactor antineutrino dataset
JM Berryman, P Huber - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract We present results from global fits to the available reactor antineutrino dataset, as
of Fall 2019, to determine the global preference for a fourth, sterile neutrino. We have …
of Fall 2019, to determine the global preference for a fourth, sterile neutrino. We have …
Classification of unitary RCFTs with two primaries and central charge less than 25
We classify all two-dimensional, unitary, rational conformal field theories with two primaries,
central charge c< 25, and arbitrary Wronskian index. In mathematical parlance, we classify …
central charge c< 25, and arbitrary Wronskian index. In mathematical parlance, we classify …
Umbral moonshine and the Niemeier lattices
In this paper, we relate umbral moonshine to the Niemeier lattices-the 23 even unimodular
positive-definite lattices of rank 24 with non-trivial root systems. To each Niemeier lattice, we …
positive-definite lattices of rank 24 with non-trivial root systems. To each Niemeier lattice, we …
[HTML][HTML] Much ado about Mathieu
T Gannon - Advances in Mathematics, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Eguchi, Ooguri and Tachikawa observed that the coefficients of the elliptic genus of
type II string theory on K3 surfaces appear to be dimensions of representations of the largest …
type II string theory on K3 surfaces appear to be dimensions of representations of the largest …