Visitor attraction management: A critical review of research 2009–2014
Research publications focussing on visitor attractions have increased in recent years, with
articles sourced from an increasingly broad range of disciplines and fields of study. Key …
articles sourced from an increasingly broad range of disciplines and fields of study. Key …
Progress on the role of ICTs in establishing destination appeal: Implications for smart tourism destination development
Purpose This paper aims to analyse the role of information and communication technologies
(ICTs) in establishing destination appeal and reflect on the implications for smart tourism …
(ICTs) in establishing destination appeal and reflect on the implications for smart tourism …
Recreational visits to urban parks and factors affecting park visits: Evidence from geotagged social media data
Quantifying park use and understanding its driving factors is crucially important for
increasing park use and thus human well-being. Previous studies have investigated the …
increasing park use and thus human well-being. Previous studies have investigated the …
[ספר][B] Tour guiding research: Insights, issues and implications
This book provides an authoritative, state-of-the-art review of tour guiding scholarship and
research. It aims to foster best practice and to stimulate further study and research on tour …
research. It aims to foster best practice and to stimulate further study and research on tour …
How do visitors respond to sustainable tourism interpretations? A further investigation into content and media format
Z Huang, L Weng, J Bao - Tourism management, 2022 - Elsevier
This study examines and verifies effects of media content and format on visitors' responses
to sustainable tourism interpretations in two World Natural Heritage Sites. It differentiates …
to sustainable tourism interpretations in two World Natural Heritage Sites. It differentiates …
The changing face of the tour guide: One-way communicator to choreographer to co-creator of the tourist experience
Thirty years after Cohen's seminal work on tour guiding, the role (s) played by and skills
required of tour guides continue to evolve. As 'experience'has come to be considered central …
required of tour guides continue to evolve. As 'experience'has come to be considered central …
A model of tourism advertising effects
L Weng, Z Huang, J Bao - Tourism Management, 2021 - Elsevier
This study develops the AIEDA tourism advertising effects model and examines this model
by tourism destination types and advertising formats in a field experiment. The AIEDA model …
by tourism destination types and advertising formats in a field experiment. The AIEDA model …
Walking, hiking and running in parks: A multidisciplinary assessment of health and well-being benefits
As our populations become more urbanised, public green space will assume key functions
in the promotion of the health and well-being of the populace. We assessed the beneficial …
in the promotion of the health and well-being of the populace. We assessed the beneficial …
Modeling intra-destination travel behavior of tourists through spatio-temporal analysis
Understanding the underlying behavioral mechanism of tourist destination choices is the first
and foremost step in establishing effective and appropriate management measures for a …
and foremost step in establishing effective and appropriate management measures for a …
[HTML][HTML] The use of gamification in environmental interpretation and its effect on customer-based destination brand equity: the moderating role of psychological …
This study seeks to contribute to the literature dealing with the formation of customer-based
destination brand equity (CBDBE) using an environmental interpretation strategy. It aims to …
destination brand equity (CBDBE) using an environmental interpretation strategy. It aims to …