Land use/land cover in view of earth observation: Data sources, input dimensions, and classifiers—A review of the state of the art
Land use/land cover (LULC) is a fundamental concept of the Earth's system intimately
connected to many phases of the human and physical environment. Earth observation (EO) …
connected to many phases of the human and physical environment. Earth observation (EO) …
Hydrological and erosive consequences of farmland abandonment in Europe, with special reference to the Mediterranean region–A review
Farmland abandonment is a major problem in parts of Europe, particularly in mountain
areas and semiarid environments. In such places, farmland abandonment represents a …
areas and semiarid environments. In such places, farmland abandonment represents a …
Hotspots of land use change in Europe
Assessing changes in the extent and management intensity of land use is crucial to
understanding land-system dynamics and their environmental and social outcomes. Yet …
understanding land-system dynamics and their environmental and social outcomes. Yet …
[HTML][HTML] Land-use and land-cover (LULC) change detection in Wami River Basin, Tanzania
Anthropogenic activities have substantially changed natural landscapes, especially in
regions which are extremely affected by population growth and climate change such as East …
regions which are extremely affected by population growth and climate change such as East …
Land use/land cover change analysis using object-based classification approach in Munessa-Shashemene landscape of the Ethiopian highlands
The objective of this study was to analyze land use/land cover (LULC) changes in the
landscape of Munessa-Shashemene area of the Ethiopian highlands over a period of 39 …
landscape of Munessa-Shashemene area of the Ethiopian highlands over a period of 39 …
Combining top-down and bottom-up dynamics in land use modeling: exploring the future of abandoned farmlands in Europe with the Dyna-CLUE model
Land use change is the result of interactions between processes operating at different
scales. Simulation models at regional to global scales are often incapable of including …
scales. Simulation models at regional to global scales are often incapable of including …
From land cover change to land function dynamics: A major challenge to improve land characterization
Land cover change has always had a central role in land change science. This central role
is largely the result of the possibilities to map and characterize land cover based on …
is largely the result of the possibilities to map and characterize land cover based on …
Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU
This paper examines the potential impact of agricultural and trade policy reform on land-use
across the EU focussing particularly on the issue of land abandonment. Using a novel …
across the EU focussing particularly on the issue of land abandonment. Using a novel …
Carbon reserves and canopy defoliation determine the recovery of Scots pine 4 yr after a drought episode
Severe drought may increase physiological stress on long‐lived woody vegetation,
occasionally leading to mortality of overstory trees. Little is known about the factors …
occasionally leading to mortality of overstory trees. Little is known about the factors …
Map** abandoned agriculture with multi-temporal MODIS satellite data
Agriculture is expanding and intensifying in many areas of the world, but abandoned
agriculture is also becoming more widespread. Unfortunately, data and methods to monitor …
agriculture is also becoming more widespread. Unfortunately, data and methods to monitor …