Advances and applications of nanophotonic biosensors
Nanophotonic devices, which control light in subwavelength volumes and enhance light–
matter interactions, have opened up exciting prospects for biosensing. Numerous …
matter interactions, have opened up exciting prospects for biosensing. Numerous …
Surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy
When molecules are placed at the interface to metals or metal oxides, an increase in their
infrared (IR) spectral intensities is observed, a phenomenon termed surface-enhanced …
infrared (IR) spectral intensities is observed, a phenomenon termed surface-enhanced …
Calibration-free, high-precision, and robust terahertz ultrafast metasurfaces for monitoring gastric cancers
Optical sensors, with great potential to convert invisible bioanalytical response into readable
information, have been envisioned as a powerful platform for biological analysis and early …
information, have been envisioned as a powerful platform for biological analysis and early …
A highly sensitive CRISPR‐empowered surface plasmon resonance sensor for diagnosis of inherited diseases with femtomolar‐level real‐time quantification
The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) molecular system
has emerged as a promising technology for the detection of nucleic acids. Herein, the …
has emerged as a promising technology for the detection of nucleic acids. Herein, the …
2D material infrared photonics and plasmonics
Two-dimensional (2D) materials including graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, black
phosphorus, MXenes, and semimetals have attracted extensive and widespread interest …
phosphorus, MXenes, and semimetals have attracted extensive and widespread interest …
Interface nano-optics with van der Waals polaritons
Polaritons are hybrid excitations of matter and photons. In recent years, polaritons in van der
Waals nanomaterials—known as van der Waals polaritons—have shown great promise to …
Waals nanomaterials—known as van der Waals polaritons—have shown great promise to …
Ultra-wideband terahertz fingerprint enhancement sensing and inversion model supported by single-pixel reconfigurable graphene metasurface
B Liu, Y Peng, YF Hao, Y Zhu, S Chang, S Zhuang - PhotoniX, 2024 - Springer
The molecular fingerprint sensing technology based on metasurface has unique attraction in
the biomedical field. However, in the terahertz (THz) band, existing metasurface designs …
the biomedical field. However, in the terahertz (THz) band, existing metasurface designs …
[PDF][PDF] Graphene-empowered dynamic metasurfaces and metadevices
Metasurfaces, with extremely exotic capabilities to manipulate electromagnetic (EM) waves,
have derived a plethora of advanced metadevices with intriguing functionalities …
have derived a plethora of advanced metadevices with intriguing functionalities …
Optical metasurfaces for energy conversion
Nanostructured surfaces with designed optical functionalities, such as metasurfaces, allow
efficient harvesting of light at the nanoscale, enhancing light–matter interactions for a wide …
efficient harvesting of light at the nanoscale, enhancing light–matter interactions for a wide …
The Bouguer‐Beer‐Lambert law: Shining light on the obscure
Abstract The Beer‐Lambert law is unquestionably the most important law in optical
spectroscopy and indispensable for the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of …
spectroscopy and indispensable for the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of …