Effects of large herbivores on grassland arthropod diversity
Both arthropods and large grazing herbivores are important components and drivers of
biodiversity in grassland ecosystems, but a synthesis of how arthropod diversity is affected …
biodiversity in grassland ecosystems, but a synthesis of how arthropod diversity is affected …
The ontogeny of plant defense and herbivory: characterizing general patterns using meta-analysis
Defense against herbivores often changes dramatically as plants develop. Hypotheses
based on allocation theory and herbivore selection patterns predict that defense should …
based on allocation theory and herbivore selection patterns predict that defense should …
Climate warming as a driver of tundra shrubline advance
Climate warming is predicted to alter ecological boundaries in high‐latitude ecosystems
including the elevational or latitudinal extent of tall shrubs in Arctic and alpine tundra. Over …
including the elevational or latitudinal extent of tall shrubs in Arctic and alpine tundra. Over …
Ecosystem feedbacks and cascade processes: understanding their role in the responses of Arctic and alpine ecosystems to environmental change
Global environmental change, related to climate change and the deposition of airborne N‐
containing contaminants, has already resulted in shifts in plant community composition …
containing contaminants, has already resulted in shifts in plant community composition …
Herbivores inhibit climate‐driven shrub expansion on the tundra
J Olofsson, L Oksanen, T Callaghan… - Global Change …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Recent Pan‐Arctic shrub expansion has been interpreted as a response to a
warmer climate. However, herbivores can also influence the abundance of shrubs in arctic …
warmer climate. However, herbivores can also influence the abundance of shrubs in arctic …
[HTML][HTML] The ecosystem effects of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in northern Fennoscandia: Past, present and future
The semi-domesticated nature of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) makes it a distinct case
among the world's herbivores. Here, we review the literature on how reindeer shape …
among the world's herbivores. Here, we review the literature on how reindeer shape …
Induced shift in ecosystem productivity? Extensive scale effects of abundant large herbivores
Abundant large herbivores can strongly alter vegetation composition, shifting the ecosystem
into a lasting state of changed productivity. Previous studies of the effects of abundant …
into a lasting state of changed productivity. Previous studies of the effects of abundant …
What are the impacts of reindeer/caribou (Rangifer tarandus L.) on arctic and alpine vegetation? A systematic review
Background The reindeer (or caribou, Rangifer tarandus L.) has a natural range extending
over much of Eurasia's and North America's arctic, alpine and boreal zones, yet its impact on …
over much of Eurasia's and North America's arctic, alpine and boreal zones, yet its impact on …
Land use for animal production in global change studies: Defining and characterizing a framework
Land use for animal production influences the earth system in a variety of ways, including
local‐scale modification to biodiversity, soils, and nutrient cycling; regional changes in …
local‐scale modification to biodiversity, soils, and nutrient cycling; regional changes in …
Open tundra persist, but arctic features decline—Vegetation changes in the warming Fennoscandian tundra
KEM Vuorinen, L Oksanen, T Oksanen… - Global change …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In the forest‐tundra ecotone of the North Fennoscandian inland, summer and winter
temperatures have increased by two to three centigrades since 1965, which is expected to …
temperatures have increased by two to three centigrades since 1965, which is expected to …