Investigation on the Work Efficiency of the LC Passive Harmonic Filter Chosen Topologies
CS Azebaze Mboving - Electronics, 2021 - mdpi.com
The use of passive harmonic filters (PHFs) in an electrical system is in most cases for the
fundamental harmonic reactive power compensation and harmonics mitigation. In …
fundamental harmonic reactive power compensation and harmonics mitigation. In …
[HTML][HTML] A New Optimal Current Controller for a Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Conditions
K Kołek, A Firlit - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
This paper presents an algorithm for finding the optimal control for a current controller that
operates as a part of a control system of a shunt active power filter. The algorithm is based …
operates as a part of a control system of a shunt active power filter. The algorithm is based …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of the Influence of the 6-Pulse Thyristor-Bridge Input Reactor Size on the Shunt Active Power Filter Work Efficiency: A Case Study
CS Azebaze Mboving, Z Hanzelka - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
This paper presents a case study in which the influence of the 6-pulse thyristor-bridge input
reactor size on the shunt active power filter (SAPF)'s work performance is investigated. The …
reactor size on the shunt active power filter (SAPF)'s work performance is investigated. The …
Influence of Voltage Sags on the Continuity of the Operation and Lifespan of Single-Phase Industrial Robots
Due to the increase in the number of automated processes that employ industrial robots
(especially in industrial and laboratory environments, including vacuum systems), and the …
(especially in industrial and laboratory environments, including vacuum systems), and the …
[PDF][PDF] Współczesne trendy i wyzwania w dziedzinie jakości dostawy energii elektrycznej–wybrane prace badawcze, eksperymentalno-rozwojowe oraz dydaktyczne …
A Firlit, Z Hanzelka, K Piątek, K Chmielowiec… - 2023 - researchgate.net
W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia współczesnych trendów i wyzwań w obszarze
jakości dostawy energii elektrycznej w kontekście rozwoju inteligentnych systemów …
jakości dostawy energii elektrycznej w kontekście rozwoju inteligentnych systemów …
[PDF][PDF] A New Optimal Current Controller for a Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Conditions. Energies 2021, 14, 6381
K Kołek, A Firlit - 2021 - academia.edu
This paper presents an algorithm for finding the optimal control for a current controller that
operates as a part of a control system of a shunt active power filter. The algorithm is based …
operates as a part of a control system of a shunt active power filter. The algorithm is based …
Filtry pasywne LC: analiza porównawcza filtru podwójnie nastrojonego i dwóch filtrów jednogałęziowych
CS Azebaze-Mboving, Z Hanzelka - Elektro Info, 2021 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
Filtr podwójnie nastrojony i grupa dwóch filtrów jednogałęziowych to dwie struktury filtrów
pasywnych stosowane w systemie elektroenergetycznym do kompensacji mocy biernej …
pasywnych stosowane w systemie elektroenergetycznym do kompensacji mocy biernej …