Population approaches to improve diet, physical activity, and smoking habits: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association

D Mozaffarian, A Afshin, NL Benowitz, V Bittner… - Circulation, 2012 - ahajournals.org
Background—Poor lifestyle behaviors, including suboptimal diet, physical inactivity, and
tobacco use, are leading causes of preventable diseases globally. Although even modest …

Are we reaching peak travel? Trends in passenger transport in eight industrialized countries

A Millard‐Ball, L Schipper - Transport reviews, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Projections of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for industrialized countries
typically show continued growth in vehicle ownership, vehicle use and overall travel …

Tracking the global footprint of fisheries

DA Kroodsma, J Mayorga, T Hochberg, NA Miller… - Science, 2018 - science.org
Although fishing is one of the most widespread activities by which humans harvest natural
resources, its global footprint is poorly understood and has never been directly quantified …

Structural interpretation of vector autoregressions with incomplete identification: Revisiting the role of oil supply and demand shocks

C Baumeister, JD Hamilton - American Economic Review, 2019 - aeaweb.org
Traditional approaches to structural vector autoregressions (VARs) can be viewed as
special cases of Bayesian inference arising from very strong prior beliefs. These methods …

A meta-analysis on the price elasticity of energy demand

X Labandeira, JM Labeaga, X López-Otero - Energy policy, 2017 - Elsevier
Price elasticities of energy demand have become increasingly relevant in estimating the
socio-economic and environmental effects of energy policies or other events that influence …

Oil price elasticities and oil price fluctuations

D Caldara, M Cavallo, M Iacoviello - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
Studies identifying oil shocks using structural vector autoregressions (VARs) reach different
conclusions on the relative importance of supply and demand factors in explaining oil …

The rebound effect and energy efficiency policy

K Gillingham, D Rapson… - Review of environmental …, 2016 - journals.uchicago.edu
What do we know about the size of the rebound effect, the well-known phenomenon that
improving energy efficiency may save less energy than expected due to a rebound of energy …

The role of inventories and speculative trading in the global market for crude oil

L Kilian, DP Murphy - Journal of Applied econometrics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We develop a structural model of the global market for crude oil that for the first time explicitly
allows for shocks to the speculative demand for oil as well as shocks to flow demand and …

How are SNAP benefits spent? Evidence from a retail panel

J Hastings, JM Shapiro - American Economic Review, 2018 - aeaweb.org
We use a novel retail panel with detailed transaction records to study the effect of the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on household spending. We use …

Historical oil shocks

JD Hamilton - Routledge handbook of major events in economic …, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Illuminants, lubricants, and solvents in the 1850s were obtained from a variety of sources,
such as oil from lard or whales, alcohol from agricultural products, and turpentine from wood …