COVID-19 cases prediction by using hybrid machine learning and beetle antennae search approach
The main objective of this paper is to further improve the current time-series prediction
(forecasting) algorithms based on hybrids between machine learning and nature-inspired …
(forecasting) algorithms based on hybrids between machine learning and nature-inspired …
Multi-objective task scheduling in cloud computing environment by hybridized bat algorithm
Cloud computing represents relatively new paradigm of utilizing remote computing
resources and is becoming increasingly important and popular technology, that supports on …
resources and is becoming increasingly important and popular technology, that supports on …
Wireless sensor networks life time optimization based on the improved firefly algorithm
We have recently witnessed the rapid development of several emerging technologies,
including the internet of things, which lead to a high interest in wireless sensor networks …
including the internet of things, which lead to a high interest in wireless sensor networks …
A quick artificial bee colony (qABC) algorithm and its performance on optimization problems
Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm inspired by the foraging behaviour of the honey bees is
one of the most popular swarm intelligence based optimization techniques. Quick artificial …
one of the most popular swarm intelligence based optimization techniques. Quick artificial …
Enhanced grey wolf algorithm for energy efficient wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks have entered a period of a rapid development, due to several
novel technologies which have emerged in the past few years, such as Internet of Things …
novel technologies which have emerged in the past few years, such as Internet of Things …
Artificial neural networks hidden unit and weight connection optimization by quasi-refection-based learning artificial bee colony algorithm
Artificial neural networks are one of the most commonly used methods in machine learning.
Performance of network highly depends on the learning method. Traditional learning …
Performance of network highly depends on the learning method. Traditional learning …
Genetic Bee Colony (GBC) algorithm: A new gene selection method for microarray cancer classification
Naturally inspired evolutionary algorithms prove effectiveness when used for solving feature
selection and classification problems. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a relatively new swarm …
selection and classification problems. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a relatively new swarm …
[HTML][HTML] Optimizing convolutional neural network hyperparameters by enhanced swarm intelligence metaheuristics
Computer vision is one of the most frontier technologies in computer science. It is used to
build artificial systems to extract valuable information from images and has a broad range of …
build artificial systems to extract valuable information from images and has a broad range of …
Resource scheduling in cloud computing based on a hybridized whale optimization algorithm
The cloud computing paradigm, as a novel computing resources delivery platform, has
significantly impacted society with the concept of on-demand resource utilization through …
significantly impacted society with the concept of on-demand resource utilization through …
[HTML][HTML] Performance of elephant herding optimization and tree growth algorithm adapted for node localization in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks, as an emerging paradigm of networking and computing, have
applications in diverse fields such as medicine, military, environmental control, climate …
applications in diverse fields such as medicine, military, environmental control, climate …