Evaluating recommender systems: survey and framework
The comprehensive evaluation of the performance of a recommender system is a complex
endeavor: many facets need to be considered in configuring an adequate and effective …
endeavor: many facets need to be considered in configuring an adequate and effective …
The digital landscape of nudging: A systematic literature review of empirical research on digital nudges
K Bergram, M Djokovic, V Bezençon… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Research output related to digital nudging has increased ten-fold over the last five years.
Nudging in the digital realm differs from its analog counterpart in important ways. For …
Nudging in the digital realm differs from its analog counterpart in important ways. For …
Digital transformation and European small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A comparative study using digital economy and society index data
Digital transformation is profoundly transforming SMEs' business activities, bringing about
comparative advantages and associated risks. Previous studies on digital transformation …
comparative advantages and associated risks. Previous studies on digital transformation …
A novel time-aware food recommender-system based on deep learning and graph clustering
Food recommender-systems are considered an effective tool to help users adjust their
eating habits and achieve a healthier diet. This paper aims to develop a new hybrid food …
eating habits and achieve a healthier diet. This paper aims to develop a new hybrid food …
Characterizing manipulation from AI systems
Manipulation is a concern in many domains, such as social media, advertising, and
chatbots. As AI systems mediate more of our digital interactions, it is important to understand …
chatbots. As AI systems mediate more of our digital interactions, it is important to understand …
Psychology-informed recommender systems
Personalized recommender systems have become indispensable in today's online world.
Most of today's recommendation algorithms are data-driven and based on behavioral data …
Most of today's recommendation algorithms are data-driven and based on behavioral data …
Nudging towards health? examining the merits of nutrition labels and personalization in a recipe recommender system
Food recommender systems show personalized recipes to users based on content liked
previously. Despite their potential, often recommended (popular) recipes in previous studies …
previously. Despite their potential, often recommended (popular) recipes in previous studies …
Nudging towards news diversity: A theoretical framework for facilitating diverse news consumption through recommender design
Growing concern about the democratic impact of automatically curated news platforms urges
us to reconsider how such platforms should be designed. We propose a theoretical …
us to reconsider how such platforms should be designed. We propose a theoretical …
Digital nudging for online food choices
When people search for what to cook for the day, they increasingly use online recipe sites to
find inspiration. Such recipe sites often show popular recipes to make it easier to find a …
find inspiration. Such recipe sites often show popular recipes to make it easier to find a …
This item might reinforce your opinion: Obfuscation and labeling of search results to mitigate confirmation bias
During online information search, users tend to select search results that confirm previous
beliefs and ignore competing possibilities. This systematic pattern in human behavior is …
beliefs and ignore competing possibilities. This systematic pattern in human behavior is …