Reviewing the ecological impacts of offshore wind farms
Offshore wind energy is widely regarded as one of the most credible sources for increasing
renewable energy production towards a resilient and decarbonised energy supply …
renewable energy production towards a resilient and decarbonised energy supply …
Trends of offshore wind projects
The aim of this paper is to present the current status of the offshore wind industry and to
identify trends in Offshore Wind Projects (OWPs). This was accomplished via a thorough …
identify trends in Offshore Wind Projects (OWPs). This was accomplished via a thorough …
Indicators of Cultural Ecosystem Services for urban planning: A review
Abstract The concept of Ecosystem Services has gained traction on the scientific agenda
and has found its way into research on urban environments. Cities and towns, like any other …
and has found its way into research on urban environments. Cities and towns, like any other …
Wind energy: Increasing deployment, rising environmental concerns
Of all the renewable energy sources (RESs)―except direct solar heat and light―wind
energy is believed to have the least adverse environmental impacts. It is also one of the RES …
energy is believed to have the least adverse environmental impacts. It is also one of the RES …
Environmental impacts of offshore wind installation, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning activities: A case study of Brazil
The objective of the paper is to perform a review of the environmental impacts of the
installation, operation and maintenance (O&M), and decommissioning of offshore wind …
installation, operation and maintenance (O&M), and decommissioning of offshore wind …
Hydrodynamic effects of biofouling-induced surface roughness–Review and research gaps for shallow water offshore wind energy structures
Several studies have been performed in the last three decades to assess the impacts of
marine biofouling on offshore wind turbines (OWTs) substructures. Marine biofouling …
marine biofouling on offshore wind turbines (OWTs) substructures. Marine biofouling …
A systematic quantitative review of coastal and marine cultural ecosystem services: current status and future research
Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are the non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems
that contribute to human well-being. They are often under-represented in ecosystem …
that contribute to human well-being. They are often under-represented in ecosystem …
Offshore wind farms and the attraction–production hypothesis: insights from a combination of stomach content and stable isotope analyses
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) act as artificial reefs, attracting high abundances of fish, which
could potentially increase their local production. This study investigates the feeding ecology …
could potentially increase their local production. This study investigates the feeding ecology …
Cultural ecosystem services and decision‐making: How researchers describe the applications of their work
Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are some of the most difficult ecosystem services (ES) to
characterize and connect to specific ecosystem processes. Given their connections to …
characterize and connect to specific ecosystem processes. Given their connections to …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial planning offshore wind energy farms in California for mediating fisheries and wildlife conservation impacts
Achieving a blue economy will require reconciling the value of emerging ocean uses with
their impacts on the seascape and sectors with historical access to marine resources and …
their impacts on the seascape and sectors with historical access to marine resources and …