High-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of female Artemia franciscana reveals sex chromosome and Hox gene organization
Artemia is a crustacean genus belonging to the order Anostraca in the class Branchiopoda
and lives in inland hypersaline lakes. Among the genus, A. franciscana is a valuable species …
and lives in inland hypersaline lakes. Among the genus, A. franciscana is a valuable species …
Structural and Functional Genomics for Assessment of Genetic Variability
Implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) at the global level and enactment of
the Biological Diversity Act 2002 by the Parliament of India have accelerated the efforts for …
the Biological Diversity Act 2002 by the Parliament of India have accelerated the efforts for …
Comparative genomics of sex determination related genes reveals shared evolutionary patterns between bivalves and mammals, but not Drosophila
The molecular basis of sex determination (SD), while being extensively studied in model
organisms, remains poorly understood in many animal groups. Bivalves, a diverse class of …
organisms, remains poorly understood in many animal groups. Bivalves, a diverse class of …