[HTML][HTML] Applying ethical theories to the decision-making of self-driving vehicles: A systematic review and integration of the literature
Self-driving vehicles (SDVs)–above the SAE automation level 4–are designed to operate
without human intervention [1]. Due to the expected advantages attributed to SDVs, such as …
without human intervention [1]. Due to the expected advantages attributed to SDVs, such as …
Immersive technology-enabled digital transformation in transportation fields: A literature overview
Immersive technology is rapidly emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing the digital
transformation in transportation to deal with the complexity, high cost, and uncertainty in the …
transformation in transportation to deal with the complexity, high cost, and uncertainty in the …
Human decisions in moral dilemmas are largely described by utilitarianism: Virtual car driving study provides guidelines for autonomous driving vehicles
Ethical thought experiments such as the trolley dilemma have been investigated extensively
in the past, showing that humans act in utilitarian ways, trying to cause as little overall …
in the past, showing that humans act in utilitarian ways, trying to cause as little overall …
Self-driving car acceptance and the role of ethics
Mass availability of self-driving cars is ante portas and independent of their sophistication,
unavoidable fatal accidents will occur where the car will have to take life and death …
unavoidable fatal accidents will occur where the car will have to take life and death …
[ספר][B] Neural assemblies
G Palm - 1982 - Springer
This chapter describes the fiow of information from the senses through the brain and the
motor system. It introduces the information-processing approach to the brain, which is aimed …
motor system. It introduces the information-processing approach to the brain, which is aimed …
Human decision-making biases in the moral dilemmas of autonomous vehicles
The development of artificial intelligence has led researchers to study the ethical principles
that should guide machine behavior. The challenge in building machine morality based on …
that should guide machine behavior. The challenge in building machine morality based on …
Moral judgment in realistic traffic scenarios: moving beyond the trolley paradigm for ethics of autonomous vehicles
The imminent deployment of autonomous vehicles requires algorithms capable of making
moral decisions in relevant traffic situations. Some scholars in the ethics of autonomous …
moral decisions in relevant traffic situations. Some scholars in the ethics of autonomous …
Autonomous vehicles require socio-political acceptance—an empirical and philosophical perspective on the problem of moral decision making
Autonomous vehicles, though having enormous potential, face a number of challenges. As a
computer system interacting with society on a large scale and human beings in particular …
computer system interacting with society on a large scale and human beings in particular …
Immersive speculative enactments: Bringing future scenarios and technology to life using virtual reality
In this paper we present Immersive Speculative Enactments (ISEs), a novel concept that
extends conventional Speculative Enactments to Virtual Reality. Through ISEs, participants …
extends conventional Speculative Enactments to Virtual Reality. Through ISEs, participants …
Self-protective and self-sacrificing preferences of pedestrians and passengers in moral dilemmas involving autonomous vehicles
Upon the introduction of autonomous vehicles into daily traffic, it becomes increasingly likely
that autonomous vehicles become involved in accident scenarios in which decisions have to …
that autonomous vehicles become involved in accident scenarios in which decisions have to …