The quality of assessment tasks as a determinant of learning
Learning is not just determined by the curriculum, but by how it is assessed. This article
focuses on the analysis of the role played by the quality of assessment tasks on learning in …
focuses on the analysis of the role played by the quality of assessment tasks on learning in …
Building feedback literacy: Students' perceptions of the develo** engagement with feedback toolkit
Develo** the requisite skills for engaging proactively with feedback is crucial for academic
success. This paper reports data concerning the perceived usefulness of the Develo** …
success. This paper reports data concerning the perceived usefulness of the Develo** …
The conundrum of low achievement and feedback for learning
The literature on improving student engagement with assessment and feedback has a
tendency to treat all students as if they are the same. Students with lower levels of attainment …
tendency to treat all students as if they are the same. Students with lower levels of attainment …
Feedback cultures, histories and literacies: international postgraduate students' experiences
Emerging research and examples from practice support the idea of feedback literacies as
socio-material competencies. Such a conception highlights the contextual and social aspect …
socio-material competencies. Such a conception highlights the contextual and social aspect …
The impact of anonymous marking on students' perceptions of fairness, feedback and relationships with lecturers
Anonymity in marking is a contentious issue within higher education. Conflicting research
findings have identified issues surrounding gender bias, ethnicity bias and fairness in …
findings have identified issues surrounding gender bias, ethnicity bias and fairness in …
Designing feedback activities to help low-performing students
Many students struggle with making sense of feedback information and in applying and
transferring it to new contexts. Research literature suggests that low-performing students are …
transferring it to new contexts. Research literature suggests that low-performing students are …
Prior experience with online feedback: Its influence on students' engagement
Although the literature on feedback processes has identified two approaches to feedback—
more transmissive or more dialogical—there is little empirical evidence of how students …
more transmissive or more dialogical—there is little empirical evidence of how students …
Towards technology enhanced dialogic feedback
In this chapter, we view technology-enhanced feedback (specifically audio, video and
screencast feedback) through the lens of Carless's (High Educ 69 (6): 963–976 …
screencast feedback) through the lens of Carless's (High Educ 69 (6): 963–976 …
Operationalising dialogic feedback to develop students' evaluative judgement and enactment of feedback
E Pitt - The impact of feedback in higher education: Improving …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter explores how UK-based film, comedy, drama and music performance lecturers
demonstrate the possibilities of differing educational practices that pursue, through dialogic …
demonstrate the possibilities of differing educational practices that pursue, through dialogic …
Are We Dialogical or Sociomaterial in Our Written Corrective Feedback? A Reflection by Two Academic Writing Instructors.
DB Loo, RA Imperia - International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching …, 2022 - ERIC
Despite the growing movement to embrace sociomaterial approaches to feedback practices
(eg Gravett, 2020), dialogicity remains the prominent and dominant approach, especially in …
(eg Gravett, 2020), dialogicity remains the prominent and dominant approach, especially in …