[PDF][PDF] Research advances in modelling plant species distribution in China

XT LIU, Q YUAN, J NI - Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019 - plant-ecology.com
Species distribution models (SDMs) have been extensively used in simulations of
geographical distribution of animal and plant species during the past 20 years. Taking the …

Predicting the potential global distribution of Ageratina adenophora under current and future climate change scenarios

G Changjun, T Yanli, L Linshan, W Bo… - Ecology and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Invasive alien species (IAS) threaten ecosystems and humans worldwide, and future
climate change may accelerate the expansion of IAS. Predicting the suitable areas of IAS …

Predicting the dynamic distribution of Sphagnum bogs in China under climate change since the last interglacial period

M Cong, Y Xu, L Tang, W Yang, M Jian - PLoS One, 2020 - journals.plos.org
Sphagnum bogs possess irreplaceable ecological and economic value, and they are scarce
in China, with a fragmented distribution. Based on 19 high-resolution bioclimatic …

[PDF][PDF] Responses of the distribution pattern of Quercus chenii to climate change following the Last Glacial Maximum

Y Li, XW Zhang, YM Fang - Chin. J. Plant Ecol, 2016 - researchgate.net
Aims Quercus chenii is a representative species of the flora in East China, with high
ecological and economic values. Here, we aim to simulate the changes in the distribution …

Combining the least cost path method with population genetic data and species distribution models to identify landscape connectivity during the late Quaternary in …

H Yu, Y Zhang, L Liu, W Qi, S Li, Z Hu - Ecology and Evolution, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Himalayan hemlock (Tsuga dumosa) experienced a recolonization event during the
Quaternary period; however, the specific dispersal routes are remain unknown. Recently …

Protecting endemic seed plants on the Tibetan Plateau under future climate change: migration matters

Y Yan, Z Tang - Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Aims Climate change in the near future may become a major threat to high-altitude
endemics by greatly altering their distribution. Our aims are to (i) assess the potential …

Diverse range dynamics and dispersal routes of plants on the Tibetan Plateau during the late Quaternary

H Yu, Y Zhang, Z Wang, L Liu, Z Chen, W Qi - PLoS One, 2017 - journals.plos.org
Phylogeographical studies have suggested that several plant species on the Tibetan
Plateau (TP) underwent recolonization during the Quaternary and may have had distinct …


刘晓彤, 袁泉, 倪健 - 植物生态学报, 2019 - plant-ecology.com
在过去的20 年里, 物种分布模型已广泛应用于动植物地理分布的模拟研究. 该文以植物物种分布
模拟为例, 利用**知网, 维普网以及Web of Science 文献数据库的检索与统计, 分析了2000 …

The influence of climatic changes on distribution pattern of six typical Kobresia species in Tibetan Plateau based on MaxEnt model and geographic information …

Z Hu, K Guo, S **, H Pan - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019 - Springer
The issue that climatic change has great influence on species distribution is currently of
great interest in field of biogeography. Six typical Kobresia species are selected from alpine …


**垚, 张兴旺, 方炎明 - 植物生态学报, 2016 - plant-ecology.com
小叶栎(Quercus chenii) 是华东植物区系的代表树种, 具有很高的生态, 经济价值.
为重建冰期以来小叶栎地理分布格局的变迁历史, 了解环境因子对潜在地理分布的制约机制 …