A stochastic process representation for time war** functions

Y Ma, X Zhou, W Wu - Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2024 - Elsevier
Time war** function provides a mathematical representation to measure phase variability
in functional data. Recent studies have developed various approaches to estimate optimal …

Elastic functional changepoint detection of climate impacts from localized sources

JD Tucker, D Yarger - Environmetrics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Detecting changepoints in functional data has become an important problem as interest in
monitoring of climate phenomenon has increased, where the data is functional in nature …

A Markov chain genetic algorithm approach for non-parametric posterior distribution sampling of regression parameters

PC Pendharkar - Algorithms, 2024 - mdpi.com
This paper proposes a genetic algorithm-based Markov Chain approach that can be used
for non-parametric estimation of regression coefficients and their statistical confidence …

Registration for incomplete non-Gaussian functional data

A Bauer, F Scheipl, H Küchenhoff… - ar** Model for Bayesian Function Registration
Y Ma - 2024 - search.proquest.com
In this dissertation, I will present three research projects that I have been working on during
my doctoral study at Florida State University. The first project focus on providing linear …

Functional statistical learning methods applied to human emotion recognition from facial videos

R Ji - 2023 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
The ever-growing fascination with automatically analyzing and understanding human
behavior has inspired a profound focus on the evolution of facial expressions and the …

[КНИГА][B] 1, 2–Dithiolate Complexes of the Lanthanides and Actinides and High–Pressure Studies of F–Element Complexes

NB Beck - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The actinide elements are playing larger roles in modern life, finding uses in nuclear energy,
remote power sources, medical uses as radiotherapy isotopes, as well as in geological …