Platform competition: a systematic and interdisciplinary review of the literature
Over the past three decades, platform competition—the competition between firms that
facilitate transactions and govern interactions between two or more distinct user groups who …
facilitate transactions and govern interactions between two or more distinct user groups who …
Omni-channel management in the new retailing era: A systematic review and future research agenda
YJ Cai, CKY Lo - International Journal of Production Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
Omni-channel retailing is a popular strategy in a new retailing era when digitalization, social
media, big data and other emerging technologies (eg, Artificial Intelligence (AI), virtual reality …
media, big data and other emerging technologies (eg, Artificial Intelligence (AI), virtual reality …
[HTML][HTML] Externalities and complementarities in platforms and ecosystems: From structural solutions to endogenous failures
Platforms and ecosystems provide structures for constellations of economic actors to engage
and interact as they seek to create and capture value. We consider how the constructs of …
and interact as they seek to create and capture value. We consider how the constructs of …
[HTML][HTML] Openness to Industry 4.0 and performance: The impact of barriers and incentives
M Cugno, R Castagnoli, G Büchi - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2021 - Elsevier
The impact of barriers and incentives on the relationship between openness to Industry 4.0
and performance have so far received little scholarly attention. As a result, this paper …
and performance have so far received little scholarly attention. As a result, this paper …
The future of manufacturing: A Delphi-based scenario analysis on Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is expected to impart profound changes to the configuration of manufacturing
companies with regards to what their value proposition will be and how their production …
companies with regards to what their value proposition will be and how their production …
Reflections on societal and business model transformation arising from digitization and big data analytics: A research agenda
In the era of accelerating digitization and advanced big data analytics, harnessing quality
data for designing and delivering state-of-the-art services will enable innovative business …
data for designing and delivering state-of-the-art services will enable innovative business …
Digital innovation as a fundamental and powerful concept in the information systems curriculum
The 50-year march of Moore's Law has led to the creation of a relatively cheap and
increasingly easy-to-use world-wide digital infrastructure of computers, mobile devices …
increasingly easy-to-use world-wide digital infrastructure of computers, mobile devices …
Organizing for innovation in the digitized world
Our era is one of increasingly pervasive digital technologies, which penetrate deeply into the
very core of the products, services, and operations of many organizations and radically …
very core of the products, services, and operations of many organizations and radically …
Goodbye pareto principle, hello long tail: The effect of search costs on the concentration of product sales
Many markets have historically been dominated by a small number of best-selling products.
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, describes this common pattern of sales …
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, describes this common pattern of sales …
Value of high-quality logistics: Evidence from a clash between SF Express and Alibaba
Consumers regard product delivery as an important service component that influences their
shop** decisions on online retail platforms. Delivering products to customers in a timely …
shop** decisions on online retail platforms. Delivering products to customers in a timely …