A pattern-based comparison of OpenACC and OpenMP for accelerator computing
Nowadays, HPC systems frequently emerge as clusters of commodity processors with
attached accelerators. Moving from tedious low-level accelerator programming to increased …
attached accelerators. Moving from tedious low-level accelerator programming to increased …
Exploring parallel programming models for heterogeneous computing systems
Parallel systems that employ CPUs and GPUs as two heterogeneous computational units
have become immensely popular due to their ability to maximize performance under …
have become immensely popular due to their ability to maximize performance under …
Directive-based partitioning and pipelining for graphics processing units
The community needs simpler mechanisms to access the performance available in
accelerators, such as GPUs, FPGAs, and APUs, due to their increasing use in state-of-the-art …
accelerators, such as GPUs, FPGAs, and APUs, due to their increasing use in state-of-the-art …
Understanding portability of a high-level programming model on contemporary heterogeneous architectures
Accelerator-based heterogeneous computing is gaining momentum in the high-performance
computing arena. However, the increased complexity of heterogeneous architectures …
computing arena. However, the increased complexity of heterogeneous architectures …
Openacc vs the native programming on sunway taihulight: A case study with gtc-p
Sunway TaihuLight is China's recent top-ranked supercomputer worldwide that was the first
to be built entirely with home-grown processors. This supercomputer can be programmed …
to be built entirely with home-grown processors. This supercomputer can be programmed …
Directive-based pipelining extension for openmp
Programming models like CUDA, OpenMP, OpenACC and OpenCL are designed to offload
compute-intensive workloads to accelerators efficiently. However, the naive offload model …
compute-intensive workloads to accelerators efficiently. However, the naive offload model …
Understanding performance portability of OpenACC for supercomputers
Scientific applications need to be moved among supercomputers, such as Tianhe-2 and
TSUBAME 2.5. OpenACC provides a directive-based approach for a single source code …
TSUBAME 2.5. OpenACC provides a directive-based approach for a single source code …
Performance and portability studies with openacc accelerated version of gtc-p
Accelerator-based heterogeneous computing is of paramount importance to High
Performance Computing. The increasing complexity of the cluster architectures requires …
Performance Computing. The increasing complexity of the cluster architectures requires …
Performance portability analysis for real-time simulations of smoke propagation using openacc
A Küsters, S Wienke, L Arnold - International Conference on High …, 2017 - Springer
Real-time simulations of smoke propagation during fires in complex geometries challenge
engineers, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists due to the complexity of fluid …
engineers, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists due to the complexity of fluid …
Enhancing Monte Carlo Particle Transport for Modern Many-Core Architectures
RC Bleile - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Since near the very beginning of electronic computing, Monte Carlo particle transport has
been a fundamental approach for solving computational physics problems. Due to the high …
been a fundamental approach for solving computational physics problems. Due to the high …