Precious metal free hydrogen evolution catalyst design and application
AA Feidenhans'l, YN Regmi, C Wei, D ** regulation in transition metal compounds for electrocatalysis
In electrocatalysis, do** regulation has been considered as an effective method to
modulate the active sites of catalysts, providing a powerful means for creating a large variety …
modulate the active sites of catalysts, providing a powerful means for creating a large variety …
Y Jia, Y Zhang, H Xu, J Li, M Gao, X Yang - ACS Catalysis, 2024 - ACS Publications
The exhaustion of fossil fuels and resultant pollution issues have prompted the world to look
to clean, nonpolluting hydrogen energy. The promising approach of the electrocatalytic …
to clean, nonpolluting hydrogen energy. The promising approach of the electrocatalytic …
Engineered two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for energy conversion and storage
Designing efficient and cost-effective materials is pivotal to solving the key scientific and
technological challenges at the interface of energy, environment, and sustainability for …
technological challenges at the interface of energy, environment, and sustainability for …
Recent advances in electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution using nanoparticles
Hydrogen fuel is considered as the cleanest renewable resource and the primary alternative
to fossil fuels for future energy supply. Sustainable hydrogen generation is the major …
to fossil fuels for future energy supply. Sustainable hydrogen generation is the major …
Recent advances in metal sulfides: from controlled fabrication to electrocatalytic, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water splitting and beyond
In recent years, nanocrystals of metal sulfide materials have attracted scientific research
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
interest for renewable energy applications due to the abundant choice of materials with …
Exploring the structural, physical properties and hydrogen storage properties of LiBHx (x= 1 and 4) lithium borohydrides
To explore the correlation between the hydrogen concentration and electronic properties of
the lithium borohydrides (LiBH x), we apply the first-principles method to study the influence …
the lithium borohydrides (LiBH x), we apply the first-principles method to study the influence …