Soft matter (Nobel lecture)

PG de Gennes - Angewandte Chemie International Edition in …, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
Polymers, tensides, liquid crystals, and colloids have always stood at the forefront of Pierre‐
Gilles de Gennes's interests. He obtained the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1991, and his Nobel …

[HTML][HTML] Chiral liquid crystals: structures, phases, effects

I Dierking - Symmetry, 2014 -
The introduction of chirality, ie, the lack of mirror symmetry, has a profound effect on liquid
crystals, not only on the molecular scale but also on the supermolecular scale and phase. I …

[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of liquid crystals, 8 volume set

JW Goodby, PJ Collings, T Kato, C Tschierske… - 2014 -
Much more than a slight revision, this second edition of the successful" Handbook of Liquid
Crystals" is completely restructured and streamlined, with updated as well as completely …

[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of Liquid Crystals: Set

D Demus, HW Demus, J Goodby, GW Gray, HW Spiess… - 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The Handbook of Liquid Crystals is a unique compendium of knowledge on all aspects of
liquid crystals. In over 2000 pages the Handbook provides detailed information on the basic …

Soft matter

PG De Gennes - Science, 1992 -
1) Complexity. One may, in a certain primitive sense, say that modem biology has
proceeded from studies on simple model systems (bacterias) to complex multicellular …

Physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals

H Stark - Physics Reports, 2001 - Elsevier
This article reviews the physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals as a novel
challenging type of soft matter. We first investigate the nematic environment of one particle …

Topological defects and interactions in nematic emulsions

TC Lubensky, D Pettey, N Currier, H Stark - Physical Review E, 1998 - APS
Inverse nematic emulsions, in which surfactant-coated water droplets are dispersed in a
nematic host fluid, have distinctive properties that set them apart from dispersions of two …

Phase transitions in liquid crystals

S Singh - Physics Reports, 2000 - Elsevier
Mesogenic materials exhibit a multitude of transitions involving new phases. Studies of
these phases are of importance in a wide range of scientific fields and as such have …

Director deformations, geometric frustration, and modulated phases in liquid crystals

JV Selinger - Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2022 -
This article analyzes modulated phases in liquid crystals, from the long-established
cholesteric and blue phases to the recently discovered twist-bend, splay-bend, and splay …

[KNJIGA][B] Physical properties of liquid crystals

GW Gray, V Vill, HW Spiess, D Demus, JW Goodby - 2009 -
Dieses Handbuch ist ein einzigartiges Kompendium des aktuellen Wissens über die Physik
der Flüssigkristalle. Auf über 500 Seiten sind die physikalischen Eigenschaften …