¿ Es válido atribuir la polarización política a la comunicación digital? Sobre burbujas, plataformas y polarización afectiva
S Waisbord - Revista saap, 2020 - SciELO Argentina
El propósito de este trabajo es desentrañar la relación entre la comunicación pública y la
polarización política contemporánea. A partir de una revisión de la literatura global reciente …
polarización política contemporánea. A partir de una revisión de la literatura global reciente …
Countering extremists on social media: Challenges for strategic communication and content moderation
Extremist exploitation of social media platforms is an important regulatory question for civil
society, government, and the private sector. Extremists exploit social media for a range of …
society, government, and the private sector. Extremists exploit social media for a range of …
[HTML][HTML] Information and communication technologies (ICT)-enabled severe moral communities and how the (Covid19) pandemic might bring new ones
In this study we present an autopoietic social systems model based on Collectively
Prevalent Interpretants (CPIs). We adapt this model to represent and exemplify how …
Prevalent Interpretants (CPIs). We adapt this model to represent and exemplify how …
Explaining online conspiracy theory radicalization: A second‐order affordance for identity‐driven escalation
C Abdalla Mikhaeil… - Information Systems …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
From# Pizzagate to anti‐vaxxers, passing by 9/11 or Obama 'birthers', we have seen many
communities growing on social media around conspiracy theories and thereby gaining …
communities growing on social media around conspiracy theories and thereby gaining …
A survey on echo chambers on social media: Description, detection and mitigation
Echo chambers on social media are a significant problem that can elicit a number of
negative consequences, most recently affecting the response to COVID-19. Echo chambers …
negative consequences, most recently affecting the response to COVID-19. Echo chambers …
Social media frames my move and visual: The echo chamber effects on on-site tourism behaviors and destination marketing
X Tang, L Zhang, K Yuan - Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024 - Elsevier
While social media has the potential to disseminate extensive travel-related information, it
may also inadvertently restrict exposure to diverse perspectives, leading to the prevalence of …
may also inadvertently restrict exposure to diverse perspectives, leading to the prevalence of …
Loopholes in the echo chambers: How the echo chamber metaphor oversimplifies the effects of information gateways on opinion expression
Social media (SM) are often regarded drivers of personalized echo chambers in which only
ideas resonante that individuals already hold, leading to more extreme opinions and …
ideas resonante that individuals already hold, leading to more extreme opinions and …
The political economy of digital profiteering: communication resource mobilization by anti-vaccination actors
Contemporary communication requires both a supply of content and a digital information
infrastructure. Modern campaigns of misinformation are especially dependent on that back …
infrastructure. Modern campaigns of misinformation are especially dependent on that back …
How Right-Wing Populists Engage with Cross-Cutting News on Online Message Boards: The Case of ForoCoches and Vox in Spain
Anecdotal evidence suggests a link between online message boards and the rise of far-right
movements, which have achieved growing electoral success globally. Press accounts and …
movements, which have achieved growing electoral success globally. Press accounts and …
Hate-sharing: A case study of its prevalence and impact on Gab
This article brings frameworks from literary and cultural studies and methods from network
science to bear on a central topic in political communication research: polarization. Recent …
science to bear on a central topic in political communication research: polarization. Recent …