[CARTE][B] The case against reality: Why evolution hid the truth from our eyes
D Hoffman - 2019 - books.google.com
Can we trust our senses to tell us the truth? Challenging leading scientific theories that claim
that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that …
that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that …
Contingencies of self-worth
J Crocker, KM Knight - Current directions in psychological …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
We argue that the importance of self-esteem lies in what people believe they need to be or
do to have worth as a person. These contingencies of self-worth are both sources of …
do to have worth as a person. These contingencies of self-worth are both sources of …
Boosting beauty in an economic decline: mating, spending, and the lipstick effect.
Although consumer spending typically declines in economic recessions, some observers
have noted that recessions appear to increase women's spending on beauty products—the …
have noted that recessions appear to increase women's spending on beauty products—the …
Ovulation, female competition, and product choice: Hormonal influences on consumer behavior
Recent research shows that women experience nonconscious shifts across different phases
of the monthly ovulatory cycle. For example, women at peak fertility (near ovulation) are …
of the monthly ovulatory cycle. For example, women at peak fertility (near ovulation) are …
Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior.
Previous research reported ovulatory changes in women's appearance, mate preferences,
extra-and in-pair sexual desire, and behavior, but has been criticized for small sample sizes …
extra-and in-pair sexual desire, and behavior, but has been criticized for small sample sizes …
Individual differences in self-esteem.
G MacDonald, MR Leary - 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Trait self-esteem ranks among the most widely investigated yet misunderstood constructs in
behavioral science. Despite the fact that thousands of studies have examined individual …
behavioral science. Despite the fact that thousands of studies have examined individual …
Evidence for menstrual cycle shifts in women's preferences for masculinity: A response to Harris (in press)“Menstrual cycle and facial preferences reconsidered”
Over the last decade, a growing literature has shown that women in the fertile phase of the
menstrual cycle demonstrate stronger preferences for men with masculine traits than they do …
menstrual cycle demonstrate stronger preferences for men with masculine traits than they do …
Courtship, competition, and the pursuit of attractiveness: Mating goals facilitate health-related risk taking and strategic risk suppression in women
Two experiments explored the possibility that specific health risks observed among young
women may be influenced by attractiveness-enhancement goals associated with mating …
women may be influenced by attractiveness-enhancement goals associated with mating …
Calories, beauty, and ovulation: The effects of the menstrual cycle on food and appearance-related consumption
The menstrual cycle has been largely ignored within the consumer research literature. Using
a survey panel, women's food and appearance-related consumption was tracked for 35 …
a survey panel, women's food and appearance-related consumption was tracked for 35 …
Ovulation as a male mating prime: subtle signs of women's fertility influence men's mating cognition and behavior.
Women's reproductive fertility peaks for a few days in the middle of their cycle around
ovulation. Because conception is most likely to occur inside this brief fertile window …
ovulation. Because conception is most likely to occur inside this brief fertile window …