A survey of opportunistic offloading

D Xu, Y Li, X Chen, J Li, P Hui, S Chen… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper surveys the literature of opportunistic offloading. Opportunistic offloading refers to
offloading traffic originally transmitted through the cellular network to opportunistic network …

Prediction-based mobile data offloading in mobile cloud computing

D Liu, L Khoukhi, A Hafid - IEEE Transactions on Wireless …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cellular network is facing a severe traffic overload problem caused by the phenomenal
growth of mobile data. Offloading part of the mobile data traffic from the cellular network to …

Towards scalable mobile crowdsensing through device-to-device communication

VFS Mota, TH Silva, DF Macedo… - Journal of Network and …, 2018 - Elsevier
In mobile crowdsensing, users have a central role providing sensed data using their
portable devices. Mobile crowdsensing applications have become quite popular nowadays …

Local synchronous capacity allocation schemes for guaranteeing message deadlines with the timed token protocol

G Agrawal, B Chen, W Zhao - IEEE INFOCOM'93 The …, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The problem of guaranteeing synchronous message deadlines in communication networks
using the timed token medium access control protocol is studied. To ensure the transmission …

Let opportunistic crowdsensors work together for resource-efficient, quality-aware observations

Y Du, F Sailhan, V Issarny - 2020 IEEE International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Opportunistic crowdsensing empowers citizens carrying hand-held devices to sense
physical phenomena of common interest at a large and fine-grained scale without requiring …

Energy-aware opportunistic mobile data offloading for users in urban environments

ST Kouyoumdjieva, G Karlsson - 2015 IFIP Networking …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Opportunistic networking (aka device-to-device communication) is considered a feasible
means for offloading mobile data traffic. Since mobile nodes are battery-powered …

Energy-aware opportunistic mobile data offloading under full and limited cooperation

ST Kouyoumdjieva, G Karlsson - Computer Communications, 2016 - Elsevier
Opportunistic networking (aka device-to-device communication) is considered a feasible
means for offloading mobile data traffic. Since mobile nodes are battery-powered …

Collaborative crowdsensing at the edge

Y Du - 2020 - hal.science
Mobile crowdsensing is a powerful mechanism to contribute to the ubiquitous sensing of
data at a relatively low cost. With mobile crowdsensing, people provide valuable …

Device-to-device mobile data offloading for music streaming

ST Kouyoumdjieva, G Karlsson - 2016 IFIP networking …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Device-to-device communication (also referred to as opportunistic networking) is considered
a feasible means for offloading mobile data traffic. Due to the sporadic nature of contact …

Dandelion-encoded harmony search heuristics for opportunistic traffic offloading in synthetically modeled mobile networks

C Perfecto, MN Bilbao, J Del Ser, A Ferro… - … : Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2016 - Springer
The high data volumes being managed by and transferred through mobile networks in the
last few years are the main rationale for the upsurge of research aimed at finding efficient …