PROPhESY: A PRObabilistic ParamEter SYnthesis Tool

C Dehnert, S Junges, N Jansen, F Corzilius… - … Aided Verification: 27th …, 2015 - Springer
We present PROPhESY, a tool for analyzing parametric Markov chains (MCs). It can
compute a rational function (ie, a fraction of two polynomials in the model parameters) for …

SMT-RAT: An Open Source C++ Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel SMT Solving

F Corzilius, G Kremer, S Junges, S Schupp… - Theory and Applications …, 2015 - Springer
During the last decade, popular SMT solvers have been extended step-by-step with a wide
range of decision procedures for different theories. Some SMT solvers also support the user …

Exploiting verified neural networks via floating point numerical error

K Jia, M Rinard - Static Analysis: 28th International Symposium, SAS …, 2021 - Springer
Researchers have developed neural network verification algorithms motivated by the need
to characterize the robustness of deep neural networks. The verifiers aspire to answer …

Building bridges between symbolic computation and satisfiability checking

E Ábrahám - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International …, 2015 -
The satisfiability problem is the problem of deciding whether a logical formula is satisfiable.
For first-order arithmetic theories, in the early 20th century some novel solutions in form of …

[PDF][PDF] Local search for SMT on linear and multilinear real arithmetic

Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) has significant application in various domains. In this
paper, we focus on quantifier-free Satisfiablity Modulo Real Arithmetic, referred to as SMT …

Experimenting on solving nonlinear integer arithmetic with incremental linearization

A Cimatti, A Griggio, A Irfan, M Roveri… - … Conference on Theory …, 2018 - Springer
Incremental linearization is a conceptually simple, yet effective, technique that we have
recently proposed for solving SMT problems over nonlinear real arithmetic constraints. In …

raSAT: an SMT solver for polynomial constraints

VX Tung, T Van Khanh, M Ogawa - Formal Methods in System Design, 2017 - Springer
This paper presents raSAT SMT solver, which is aimed to handle polynomial constraints
over both reals and integers with simple unified methodologies. Its three main features are …

Subtropical satisfiability

P Fontaine, M Ogawa, T Sturm, XT Vu - International Symposium on …, 2017 - Springer
Quantifier-free nonlinear arithmetic (QF_NRA) appears in many applications of satisfiability
modulo theories solving (SMT). Accordingly, efficient reasoning for corresponding …

New opportunities for the formal proof of computational real geometry?

J Davenport, M England, G Kremer, Z Tonks - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2020 -
The purpose of this paper is to explore the question" to what extent could we produce formal,
machine-verifiable, proofs in real algebraic geometry?" The question has been asked before …

Polynomial Constraints and Unsat Cores in Tarski

F Vale-Enriquez, CW Brown - … Conference, South Bend, IN, USA, July 24 …, 2018 - Springer
This paper gives a brief overview of Tarski, a system for computing with Tarski formulas,
which are boolean combinations of non-linear polynomial constraints over the reals. It gives …