Equations of state for supernovae and compact stars
A review is given of various theoretical approaches for the equation of state (EoS) of dense
matter, relevant for the description of core-collapse supernovae, compact stars, and compact …
matter, relevant for the description of core-collapse supernovae, compact stars, and compact …
Theoretical and experimental constraints for the equation of state of dense and hot matter
This review aims at providing an extensive discussion of modern constraints relevant for
dense and hot strongly interacting matter. It includes theoretical first-principle results from …
dense and hot strongly interacting matter. It includes theoretical first-principle results from …
Identifying a first-order phase transition in neutron-star mergers through gravitational waves
We identify an observable imprint of a first-order hadron-quark phase transition at
supranuclear densities on the gravitational-wave (GW) emission of neutron-star mergers …
supranuclear densities on the gravitational-wave (GW) emission of neutron-star mergers …
Signatures of quark-hadron phase transitions in general-relativistic neutron-star mergers
Merging binaries of neutron-stars are not only strong sources of gravitational waves, but also
have the potential of revealing states of matter at densities and temperatures not accessible …
have the potential of revealing states of matter at densities and temperatures not accessible …
Gravitational waves from neutron star mergers and their relation to the nuclear equation of state
In this article, I introduce ideas and techniques to extract information about the equation of
state of matter at very high densities from gravitational waves emitted before, during and …
state of matter at very high densities from gravitational waves emitted before, during and …
GW190814 as a massive rapidly rotating neutron star with exotic degrees of freedom
In the context of the massive secondary object recently observed in the compact-star merger
GW190814, we investigate the possibility of producing massive neutron stars from a few …
GW190814, we investigate the possibility of producing massive neutron stars from a few …
Neutron Star Equation of State in light of GW190814
The observation of gravitational waves from an asymmetric binary opens the possibility for
heavy neutron stars, but these pose challenges to models of the neutron star equation of …
heavy neutron stars, but these pose challenges to models of the neutron star equation of …
Finding structure in the speed of sound of supranuclear matter from binary love relations
Analyses that connect observations of neutron stars with nuclear-matter properties can rely
on equation-of-state insensitive relations. We show that the slope of the binary Love …
on equation-of-state insensitive relations. We show that the slope of the binary Love …
Extreme matter meets extreme gravity: Ultraheavy neutron stars with phase transitions
The speed of sound of the matter within neutron stars may contain nonsmooth structure
related to first-or higher-order phase transitions. Here we investigate what are the …
related to first-or higher-order phase transitions. Here we investigate what are the …
Long Range Plan: Dense matter theory for heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars
Since the release of the 2015 Long Range Plan in Nuclear Physics, major events have
occurred that reshaped our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and nuclear …
occurred that reshaped our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and nuclear …